Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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I'm reading through the thread, and it's great! I had no idea that you could can and preserve chicken in glass jars. Question: Would it be possible to can and preserve chicken and dumplings? If so, how would you go about it? I looove chicken and dumplings.

You can precook the chicken, season your broth, add the dumplings raw to the jar and pour the chicken mixture over it and can per usual. You can really make an old hen taste like new with toughness, just flavor!
I'm reading through the thread, and it's great! I had no idea that you could can and preserve chicken in glass jars. Question: Would it be possible to can and preserve chicken and dumplings? If so, how would you go about it? I looove chicken and dumplings.
My vote would be to can/preserve the chicken and make the dumplings fresh. A canned dumpling just sounds heavy and wrong. ;-) And now I've got a hankerin' for a fresh light and fluffy dumpling! My mom made the best, I have yet to 'master' the art of it.
My vote would also be for canning the chicken and making the dumplings fresh, but that's just me. I just feel that it gives me more choices on how to use my chicken. I have some older hens that are going to go live in a jar this fall. I'm all out of canned chicken right now, so I can't wait!
My vote would be to can/preserve the chicken and make the dumplings fresh. A canned dumpling just sounds heavy and wrong. ;-) And now I've got a hankerin' for a fresh light and fluffy dumpling! My mom made the best, I have yet to 'master' the art of it.
I've yet to master it as well. The dumplings either seem a bit hard in the middle or melt a bit too much. They are still pretty tasty though.
Well...for the first time ever, my flock had a general flock health problem. They got scale mites, though the new chickens did not. I tried every natural treatment there was and nothing worked...I had the greasiest chickens in the world by the time I was finished with all that! I finally found Nu-Stock and it took one treatment and the mites never returned...not only that but all the scales renewed until they looked like young chickens....supple, golden and healthy. One treatment.....mineral oil, pine tar and sulfur..who knew?
Bee, I might have mentioned it before, and I'm sure I posted it on another thread at some point because I remember getting scolded for torturing those poor chickens, but....

I remember several times growing up when our flocks would get scaly leg mites. This was almost always right after bringing in new chickens from somewhere. Pa's treatment was always the same.

Pa would go out and pitch a hand full of Sevin dust in the nest boxes, take an old paint brush and coat the peeled pole roost poles with burnt motor oil then catch any chicken that looked like it had mites. He would cut a small square of cloth (usually from an old flannel shirt) and dip it in kerosene then tie it around the legs of the chickens that had mites with a piece of cotton string. By the time the chicken managed to pick the wrap off (usually a couple of days), there would be no sign of mites and the legs would slough off and look as smooth as a baby chicks legs.

Not natural organic products... but it darn sure worked.

Folks get up in arms with me talking about the old timey cures for stuff using petroleum products and poison, but they put diapers on their chickens and let them stay in the house. Not sure which would be the most un-natural?

Not knocking anyone with house chickens. It's their house after all, they can do what they want. But any chicken that comes in my house is ready to cook.

Always wondered one thing though... If you have a diaper on a chicken why would you need a nest box? Wouldn't you just fish the egg out of the poopy diaper?
I'm reading through the thread, and it's great! I had no idea that you could can and preserve chicken in glass jars. Question: Would it be possible to can and preserve chicken and dumplings? If so, how would you go about it? I looove chicken and dumplings.
There is my bible of canning called, "Putting Food By". See if you can't get a copy. I'd think 15 lbs of pressure for 90 minutes based on what I put in my receipe, but yours may be different. I haven't killed anybody in almost 50 years of canning.
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