Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Excellent comeback.
FRED's Quiz:

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.

There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.

Rules for the Quiz.

1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.
2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow(NOW TODAY, DEC. 9) is just fine, after 1 pm EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?
4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.
5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

Bird # 1

Bird # 1 Bird # 2

Bird #1 Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Bird # 2
Super new at the chickens - (7months) - A. do nothing til spring - maybe they both need to mature a bit more B. #1 is a bit stocky in comparison, & thicker legs - could be the pics - C. #2 - possibly a boy - my RIR kinda looked that way startin out - longer neck and thinner for awhile -couldn't be sure of feather patter tho from pics -no scraggly tail feathers present soo.... just my inexperienced oppinion good luck to all others doing this quiz
Since I have 4 red chickens , two like bird 1 and two like bird 2, I wouldn't cull any of them if they were mine. They all lay nice sized eggs when I can find them. Two of them need to be locked for a day.

I ain't touchin that one, You girls better quit tryin to bait me into turnin on my buddy Walt, Less we turn on you gal's then it would get truthful and ugly quick heheheheeee. Nothin like get Ya'll ole wet hen's squallin LOL.
I can see it all now...two bloody roosters lyin' in the corner of the coop, shaking their heads and wondering how they got beat down as rooster.... but woke up as capons.
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FRED's Quiz:

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.

There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.

Rules for the Quiz.

1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.
2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow(NOW TODAY, DEC. 9) is just fine, after 1 pm EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?
4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.
5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

Bird # 1

Bird # 1 Bird # 2

Bird #1 Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Bird # 2

I have only had chickens for approximately 4 months so completely green.

Bird #1 - I don't like her comb, it is pale and very small. There is something about her wings that looks odd but I cannot tell you why just they look too short... I do however like her legs, nice and sturdy. She is also looks quite buxom. I would give her a chance to grow a bit and see if what her production was before writing her off.
Bird #2 - I really like her (I have a mutt that looks like her). Love the comb. Her wings look 'right'. Her legs are not as nice as bird #1. I would keep her as long as she was laying.

I am at the stage of every day is a learning day. I am a lurker on this thread as wells as Bee's Gnarly Bunch. I am just trying to absorb as much as possible. I keep restarting the threads from the beginning cos there is so much to absorb and it takes a while to get everything into my thick skull

Thanks for all the info everyone, us lurkers love it.
Hello everyone!

Thanks to all who've taken the quiz so far. It's purpose is purely, purely educational. It is not meant to give anyone a tizzy!

The reason the quiz is geared toward the more recent beginner or intermediate level chickener is simple. There's just stuff in this quiz that rarely, rarely gets taught well in other sections or threads. Just the way it is. No way I'd let the experienced take this quiz, hahahaha. They know in 4 seconds of looking. And.... that's the point. There just isn't a substitute for the experienced eye. No book, no forum can give you that, only Professor Experience.

The quiz would have been better had a hired a professional photographer and photographed them on a green lawn background and a sunny day, but alas, we're under a heavy snow storm warning, so that was out.

But, it doesn't matter. Even with those few, poor photos, the lessons are right there. Thanks again for participating.
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