Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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FRED's Quiz:

Ok, here is the promised Pop Quiz. But here are the rules and background info.

There are two birds focused on here. I will try to identify them simply as Bird #1 and Bird #2. They are both ISA Browns, the quintessential layer. Think the CX of the layer birds. These are not dual purpose fowl. They are dedicated purpose fowl. Eggs, eggs and more eggs. They are both 8 months old, all the birds came in a box of 25, hatched on the same day, brooded together and raised together. Always been fed the same feed, in the same environment.

Apologize for my crappy photography and camera quality. It is what it is. While it doesn't come through on the camera well, I can give you this hint. Their feathering quality is vastly different in real life. You'll have to decide which is which and why.

Rules for the Quiz.

1. Only those who've kept backyard birds for less than 3 years are allowed to take the quiz.
2. No one can reply right now. Anyone who replies today, will be DQ'd. No ifs, ands or butts.
3. The window of turning in your Quiz responses will NOT be until this time tomorrow. There will be an open window of 8 hours in which to turn in your Quiz. Anytime tomorrow(NOW TODAY, DEC. 9) is just fine, after 1 pm EST. Noon CST, 11 am MST and 10 am PST. Sure, this is a gimmick, but hey. I want to think about this quiz and not give instant, knee jerk responses. OK?
4. Tell me what you see in comparing these two birds.
5. Tell me if you would cull one, both, neither, and why you think so.

OK, there it is. Is everyone ready for the photos to judge?

Bird # 1

Bird # 1 Bird # 2

Bird #1 Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Bird # 2

Only been keeping chickens a little over a year, all my birds are hatchery stock but I dream of one day having Cornish and WR that look like Al's, and I also love the look of the English Buff Orp's. That said, I'm willing to show my ignorance.

#2 has a larger, brighter red comb & wattles so is probably laying, whereas #1 may not be. I also think #1 is younger because of the bright smooth color of the legs (even though I KNOW you said they're hatchmates!). Bird #2 looks to have somewhat of a pinched tail, and the feathers just look harsh and kinda sparse, while #1 looks smooth and fully-feathered. I have 6 of these production reds myself... my birds look somewhere between those two but the feathering (tight) tends to ;look more like #2... #2 is kinda gangley and #1 looks more "fluffy". My birds are in their first molt right now but two of them are still laying jumbo eggs nearly every day (sometimes the size of turkey eggs).
Ok well just noticed that, as usual, I'm a day late and dollar short with my quiz answers... oh well. I am (SUPPOSED to be) studying for Anatomy finals but instead popping into BYC and trying to wade through all the posts, how can you guys rack up so many posts in just a couple days????? Anyway, I did go back far enough in posts to see a little bit of answer to the quiz stuff, maybe someone can point me to post # where the quiz really gets discussed and analyzed. This Anatomy is nearly killing me so I've gotta get back to it but hopefully in a couple days (after finals) I can come back and attempt to somehow catch up.
Good Morning everyone.

Got to thinking about the learning thing, I think if the next possible conversation were to move toward what are popularly known as "Dual Purpose" birds, we may want to take one breed at a time. Really dig into one particular breed, say the Rocks, for a day or two, before moving on to another breed. This might prove less "bouncing" and more focused? Perhaps starting with the ever popular Americans? Might want to even look up what "the Americans" means in the chicken world.

Just an early morning, first cup of coffee thought?

sounds great!!
Ok well just noticed that, as usual, I'm a day late and dollar short with my quiz answers... oh well. I am (SUPPOSED to be) studying for Anatomy finals but instead popping into BYC and trying to wade through all the posts, how can you guys rack up so many posts in just a couple days????? Anyway, I did go back far enough in posts to see a little bit of answer to the quiz stuff, maybe someone can point me to post # where the quiz really gets discussed and analyzed. This Anatomy is nearly killing me so I've gotta get back to it but hopefully in a couple days (after finals) I can come back and attempt to somehow catch up.

Begin reading on the bottom of 1186 and read forward as long as you wish.

The conversation was conducted in a story telling style, I used about 8 or 9 posts to tell the story.
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Yup, Mondays are always a slow, slow day for hits on the site. Closer we get toward Christmas, the slower it will get on many days. Got to get a presenter lined up too. imo, that is key.

Can you present until we line up some of the others? I think your style was just delightful! I love the teaching with a story and I love the format of the quiz. Even I learned things and that is what I loved the most.

You know that part about articulating what you know? That was me. I knew about the rooster's choices and had always just knew it but had never really put it into a logical thought process as to why it happens or what it means...just that it does and those are the birds that get culled and that he and I sure think alike. Never really thought about knowing that or talking about it. Never really mentioned it either but there are so many little things like that that we do every day, but don't really think about that, can come out of these kind of lessons.

That was the first time I just did a head to toe break down, written down, of a hen's body. I just normally look at the bird and instantly know something is off and I don't like what she has going on...but never really think about how I come to these conclusions. I think that comes with years of birds and remembering what the no hopers look like and what the really great hens look like and trying to keep your birds in between~ but leaning towards the greatness.

Never thought about teaching it like you did and I think everyone had a great time...would be proud if you would do another like that one. Some people didn't get to get in on it but I predict many more for the next one and it should be something else!

Sunday was an excellent day because people are off work and killing time until Monday but I can understand it if you don't want to take up a Sunday on chickens. I spent all day moving between this thread, The Road thread and listening to sermons...and it was great. Al did this thread and football and he had a blast! Mondays people are always tired and cranky and I think that is the reason this place has slow business then...everyone recovering from Monday.
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