Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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X2!!! This is my first year, but I was a country girl WAY before we left the city. That being said, most of my friends are OT's. I always get the best info from them! Can't wait! Let's get crackin'
M2WO, my roos are usually up before 4:30. I get up at 4:00 for work, and around 4:20 I can hear them. The one exception was the first night we had the heat lamp on for them. I guess they were cozy and slept in till 4:30. I didn't hear a peep out of anyone till I started my car! Is it normal for them to wake up that early or can they hear my alarm go off or something?
I dont know how it is in Texas adgcountry. but my roos start crowing about 3:15 AM! In summer they start about 4:00 so I guess they always go at the same time seeing as we are on standard time now. I have no idea why they start that early either...their lights go on at 2AM so it doesnt seem to correlate when the "sun" comes up. We have no alarms or anything going off at that time...I guess they just "decide" when to start crowing when they are little and it never changes?

Donna--I have lots of Ameracaunas for eggs. They are really slow to mature but once they start to lay they seem pretty reliable. I am just starting with them though. I guess I will know for sure in a year or two!
Terri O
Al, congrats on the show. They are beautiful.
A question - What do you do with your birds AFTER a show? Are they quarantined for X amount of days because they could have been exposed to something?
I have EEs. I love them! It's fun to see how many different colors you can get for eggs.

Agree! And mine lay about 5-6 days in a row then one day off. I got 11 in a row from one. Nice
I am not an OT tho and pretty new to this so do not know how long they last like that....but that is my experience so far! Oh and one lays med size eggs, and the other lays large, same size as the store bought. I had two, but had to sell one, she became the boss and terrorized my bantams. The other one is really sweet though as well as my neighbors so I think I just had bad luck.
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I have EEs. I love them! It's fun to see how many different colors you can get for eggs.

Agree! And mine lay about 5-6 days in a row then one day off. I got 11 in a row from one. Nice
I am not an OT tho and pretty new to this so do not know how long they last like that....but that is my experience so far! Oh and one lays med size eggs, and the other lays large, same size as the store bought. I had two, but had to sell one, she became the boss and terrorized my bantams. The other one is really sweet though as well as my neighbors so I think I just had bad luck.

Mine are usually great layers but they are taking sometime off right now. I do have 2 or three still laying about every other day.
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