Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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sorry, with my dial-up MSN system, I cannot post pictures on byc for some reason.. however I can send pictures on private emails.. PM me and I can give you my email address.. understand, there are more than 7 emails worth of pictures and notes, because there are too many for one email..
Hi All

Just got back to the BYC Boards (had to cull my 'puter, and life got a bit busy). I seen this thread and had to start reading it. Several posters have very good points, BUT don't everyone have somekind of locking deivice on all doors and or gates? and use them every time, no matter if it's just a sec.?

thanks Scott

Scott, I don't know about everyone else but I live in a place that doesn't really require such things. My gates have latches of some kind just to keep them closed but they don't really lock and my doors have pieces of wood nailed next to them that you turn when you want to keep the door closed and turn again when you wish to open it.

I use big dogs to protect my chickens, so locks and latches aren't as important for me as for some chicken owners.

Chicken plucker:
I've never built or owned a chicken plucker but wouldn't mind doing so if I ever got into producing meaties on a regular basis. Sure would take some of the work out of the process.

Please feel free to post any good pics of your chicken pluckers and other tools you use to make chicken processing easier!
Ok, well I haven't been slapped in a while so I will chime in...

1. The only way to fully appreciate livestock is to kill, butcher and eat them.
2. If you say Awwww ------ -------- ---------, your decision based on that statement it is most likely making chickens less healthy.
3. Dirt makes for healthy chickens, get them in it early.
4. Using medicated chick feed to avoid disease is like using a blind fold to avoid hammering your finger. See #3
5. The greatest thing about lakes and streams is mother nature has had an opportunity to sweeten the water. You would be well advised to let her do the same to the water your chickens get.
6. Bacteria was possibly the first life form created on this earth. You would probably be wiser to embrace it than to fight it.
7. You aint lived till you've had your mouth filled with fresh cow manure.
I have the same theory with kids.

One of the main reasons I moved us to the country 9 years ago. Boys should be dirty, bloody, broken, muddy, wet, climbing, falling, shooting, fishing or hunting every day (and NOT getting in trouble for it!!!!!).
I actually forgot one...

The only snap judgement you should make when raising chickens is to shoot the predator that has your bird in it's mouth.
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