Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Me too!
I didn't discount it. But if the pigs did it, why would my two *boys* admit to it? Regardless, the maid saw it and was yelling at them to stop, but they didn't hear her over the tractor.

I don't doubt the pigs could/would kill a sick or injured chicken, but they didn't kill that one. They didn't try to eat it though, they were just using her as a squishy toy. If they had broken her open...that probably would have changed the story.
Is there a way to lump sum save the whole post, other than go from page to page & save what info you want?

Miss Hen is settled in & sleeping nicely.

Bee Was it 2 Tbl of ACV to a gal of water? I know it was discussed after page 80, but I did not want to have to back track that far to find it again.
I got a lot more done yesterday too. And it looks like I need to work the night shift and glean (aka copy and paste) the nuggets of wisdom before it goes away again. Don't know if I can, I've got to leave early in the A.m. to babysit youngest granddaughter at her house. Should have picked her up tonight and just brought her back. Her mom has wifi, my aging laptop may have to go back to work.
what a great thread! i'm the ultimate newby. i've got a wonderful new coop & no chickens yet. i love learning from everyone. i am one of those who will have deep affection for my chickens. i will guard them carefully & give them the best quality of life i can manage. i also hope to be able to learn to humanely & efficiently kill them for food.
Oh great Bee! First it was a it could even be a glorp!? How can a kid like me keep up!!?? I may just discount all this and throw in a sploosh!

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Oh great Bee! First it was a it could even be a glorp!? How can a kid like me keep up!!?? I may just discount all this and throw in a sploosh!


I'd be pretty careful with those splooshes....
I can answer one question: Why people get chickens before the coop - because the feed store has them and by the time we get the coop built they will have sold out for another year. Who KNEW chicks could be mail-ordered? I just learned that last week. Chicken book? Do they have those?
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