Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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A couple thoughts. Is this shed tall enough that you will have room to get in and work in each level?
The other is, since you plan to later divide the chicks as they grow bigger into the other two levels, why not divide them into those 2 levels to begin with? Wouldn't 33 chicks on each level to start reduce risks of losses 'piling up' with 100 chicks?


I plan on running a batch every 2 weeks thinking each batch will be in the brooder for 3 weeks, weather permitting. I think 30 sq ft for 100 first week to 10 days and 30 sq ft for 50 until 3 wks old will work from what I've read and after talking to a few other growers, one reason for the post,,,more input appreciated

I will have doors on opposite sides of this to open for access,each level will be 32" high,,I'm tall with long arms,,,should be no problems
Ok. I think I have a better visual of what you are hoping to do now. Sounds like it might work.


I plan on running a batch every 2 weeks thinking each batch will be in the brooder for 3 weeks, weather permitting. I think 30 sq ft for 100 first week to 10 days and 30 sq ft for 50 until 3 wks old will work from what I've read and after talking to a few other growers, one reason for the post,,,more input appreciated

I will have doors on opposite sides of this to open for access,each level will be 32" high,,I'm tall with long arms,,,should be no problems

I plan on running a batch every 2 weeks thinking each batch will be in the brooder for 3 weeks, weather permitting. I think 30 sq ft for 100 first week to 10 days and 30 sq ft for 50 until 3 wks old will work from what I've read and after talking to a few other growers, one reason for the post,,,more input appreciated

I will have doors on opposite sides of this to open for access,each level will be 32" high,,I'm tall with long arms,,,should be no problems

Depending on when you get the chicks 3 weeks is kinda short time for brooding. 4 weeks they are fully feathered and ready for outdoors/other area. You may be able to get them out in 3, but best to plan for 4 and be pleasantly surprised if it is shorter time.
This is so 2 days ago lol but I wanted to post a great price on the chicken nipples. There's some from China here:

They are 5 for $3.85, free shipping. I've gotten them and they work great. Same seller also has deals for 10, 20, etc. Best price ever. And they work fine. They are the red plastic kind and I've been using them for almost a year.
Question for the OT's.... I'm getting ready to start a new, separate flock from the one I already have. This one will consist of 12 hens. I am going Sunday to pick up (6) four-and-a-half-week-old black copper Marans, and then am looking at getting (6) eighteen week old Gold Stars within the next three weeks. With current owner, the Marans are off the brooder light but still haven't been outside... when I get them I'm going to house them up in their new coop but leave the door open to the enclosed run during the day so they can come in & out as they please. Biggest question is, do you forsee any major problems with just putting the gold stars in with the others when I get them, due to the age difference? As far as feed goes, can I feed everyone the same thing? Thanks for your insight.
Question for the OT's.... I'm getting ready to start a new, separate flock from the one I already have. This one will consist of 12 hens. I am going Sunday to pick up (6) four-and-a-half-week-old black copper Marans, and then am looking at getting (6) eighteen week old Gold Stars within the next three weeks. With current owner, the Marans are off the brooder light but still haven't been outside... when I get them I'm going to house them up in their new coop but leave the door open to the enclosed run during the day so they can come in & out as they please. Biggest question is, do you forsee any major problems with just putting the gold stars in with the others when I get them, due to the age difference? As far as feed goes, can I feed everyone the same thing? Thanks for your insight.
Most of the time the older ones will eat the younger ones alive. You can try it, but be prepared.You can feed them all grower.......Pop
Thanks for the answer, Pop.... not the answer I was hoping for, but one I will take to heart. Guess I'll either have to flesh out the flock with chicks closer to same age, or figure out some way to divide the coop and run in half for awhile. These Marans chicks are breeder/show quality and not cheap, so they are going to take precedence over any other birds. I suppose that as an alternative I could move my current flock of 6 (1 gold star, 1 black star, 3 RIR, 1 Australorp) into the big coop & run, put the Marans into their smaller coop & run, then add mature birds to the current flock. Hmmmmmm.............
Thanks for the answer, Pop.... not the answer I was hoping for, but one I will take to heart. Guess I'll either have to flesh out the flock with chicks closer to same age, or figure out some way to divide the coop and run in half for awhile. These Marans chicks are breeder/show quality and not cheap, so they are going to take precedence over any other birds. I suppose that as an alternative I could move my current flock of 6 (1 gold star, 1 black star, 3 RIR, 1 Australorp) into the big coop & run, put the Marans into their smaller coop & run, then add mature birds to the current flock. Hmmmmmm.............

You're gonna find that any strangers won't get along. Sometimes, with the more docile breeds, things go relatively smooth, but there's always a pecking order thing. The key seems to be giving them a lot of room for the weaker ones to escape and/or hide. The breeds I am most passionate about are anything but docile, so I can't advise you on how yours will fare, but it's prudent to plan for a rough introduction. Best of luck to ya.......Pop
When I put together this first flock I had three "originals" and three "newcomers", but all were roughly the same size/age. I put the newbies in the run and put LOTS of yummy treats in there to distract everyone, so while there were some pecks and squabbles everything went pretty smoothly, and I kept up the food thing for a couple days just to be safe. I was worried about the big size/age difference in what I was HOPING to do, though, so thought I'd better ask someone who knew. Man, I'd have been EXTREMELY upset with myself if my Marans got eaten alive, or even badly pecked. I've decided to move my big girls to the new big coop/run and put the Marans into the old girls' former digs. That way I can introduce some adult-sized birds to the big girls without too much worry of death and destruction... well, at least everyone will be on a somewhat equal footing. Also nice is that both coops/runs have ample room for the number of birds that I house, or plan to house in them, so there's no crowding at all.
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