Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Okay OT's...I'm counting on you guys to help me with something that has me quite worried. My little broody OEGB has been caring for her 1 chick who is 5 weeks old now. They are in a seperate coop from the rest of the flock but free range with everyone during the day. Goldie was missing one tail feather yesterday when I let her out of her coop. Feather was in the coop. I wasn't too worried until I let her out today and she is missing all but 2 tail feathers, those tail feathers were also found in the coop. No sign of molting at this point other than the tail feathers! She is given chick starter and fresh water every day.

What could be happening??? Is there something I should be giving her. Oyster shell?? Or could it be mites?? I just don't know what could suddenly be causing this loss of tail feathers. Her youngster is growing fine. He looks healthy and is in fine condition. Please help me.

I doubt I would lose any sleep over 2 tail feathers as it's probably the cage causing it, regardless........ they will grow back no need to take extra blood presure medicine over it, you and the chicken will likey survive.
I doubt I would lose any sleep over 2 tail feathers as it's probably the cage causing it, regardless........ they will grow back no need to take extra blood presure medicine over it, you and the chicken will likey survive.
Well thank you for your response however I think you missed the part where I said she had lost ALL BUT 2 tail feathers. That is why I was worried. I've had other responses though from a couple of people here that said it could be normal for a broody as they don't take very good care of themselves, so I'm hoping that's what it is.

Here she is. She looks fine and acts fine other than the tail feather loss, so I'm not real worried. My Avatar has a pic of her before she went broody for comparison. You can see her little guy's butt there behind the post

Thank you everyone for your responses. I don't know what I would do without your wisdom.
I think she looks good, healthy really, what do you think al? I made fairly large nest boxes but they all like to push back into a little corner it seems, so the can rub and get ratty...and sometimes they don't eat as much...I had one who liked her dust bath more than food or water...she lost all but one pathetic feather, sad...she did fine though. You hen is bright and alert and her comb is red, she's fine. By the way she looks just like my Moe, whom I noticed is missing today...she has been mopping around for awhile, she's gone broody somewhere...just like last time....over the hill again I'll bet. If it wasn't for that nasty yellow feral cat out there I'd leave her be...but she is my favorite...she saw me tailing her yesterday and gave me the slip....sly little girl. :)
Yeah I think she looks healthy too, your right they tend to neglect themselfs a little while nesting and the tail feathers suffer, after she hatches it is a good idea to feed her a better blend for awhile and some boss will help her also, just as you would after a hard molt.
I think she looks good, healthy really, what do you think al? I made fairly large nest boxes but they all like to push back into a little corner it seems, so the can rub and get ratty...and sometimes they don't eat as much...I had one who liked her dust bath more than food or water...she lost all but one pathetic feather, sad...she did fine though. You hen is bright and alert and her comb is red, she's fine. By the way she looks just like my Moe, whom I noticed is missing today...she has been mopping around for awhile, she's gone broody somewhere...just like last time....over the hill again I'll bet. If it wasn't for that nasty yellow feral cat out there I'd leave her be...but she is my favorite...she saw me tailing her yesterday and gave me the slip....sly little girl. :)
I hope Moe shows up for you. We have a yellow feral cat running around here also. Upset my girls pretty good, but they sure did let me know he was out there! Thanks again for the posts to my question. Also, someone else mentioned giving her "boss"? I don't want to sound ummm uneducated, but I don't know what that is? Do you? And if so, where can I find it? Thanks again and good luck finding your girl.
Yeah I think she looks healthy too, your right they tend to neglect themselfs a little while nesting and the tail feathers suffer, after she hatches it is a good idea to feed her a better blend for awhile and some boss will help her also, just as you would after a hard molt.
Thank you so much for your responses. I really appreciate all the help I get on this thread, you OT's are awesome. So I hate to sound like the newbie I am but, what is "boss" and where can I find it?
Check out the thread on fermenting feed. I am fermenting all my scratch, cracked corn,wneat and barley, it is working for me on a small scale, the layers are doing flips to get it...basically it 'predigests' the grains and offers more nutrients and probiotics without breaking the bank and tossing money at the specialty stores...I only buy from the feed stores. The really nice thing is the feed is moist and plump grains, no choking, no dust. Look in feeding meaties thread.
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