Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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In addition to acetic acid, apple cider vinergar contains other acids, vitamins, minerals, certain (mineral) salts that our bodies can utilize more efficiently, and amino acids...It's just "good fer what ails ya!"

If you keep a jar in the 'frige, and burn yourself, make a paste w/ cold ACV and put directly on the'll take the heat out within 15 minutes, and you'll still probably have a burn, but it won't hurt! The acetic acid at work... Great for sunburn, too!

Mix 1 C ACV into 1 gallon of water, mix in 2 Tblspns. dishwashing liquid and 1 C. Corn starch. You will have the BEST glass cleaner you could ever ask for, and it won't streak as badly as the ammonia-based store bought blends.

Dilute 2 Tblspns. ACF in 1/2 C cold water for heartburn relief.

And the list goes on! When something works, I have always wanted to know "why?" Drove my family crazy! I hope I'm not driving y'all crazy!

My analytical mind is about all that's left of me that is still sooooo busy! My body has started to betray me. Guess I need to drink more ACV!
Sorry, was off to the chicken house-checking out the new roosts-working fine...yep, what bee said, it only takes a couple of hours for them to flatten out...and then, when there's no life, it can just seem dry, lighter.,stiff. Dogs just kill that way and move on to the next...not hungry, just going from one to the next...which is why roaming dogs just get shot more often than not....they just do. So check your yard, it got in once, it will try again, it prob has a spot where it can hop in and out easily. Just trying to warn you...not being fatalistic, just practical...and anyhow, don't believe in vampires, but I do have a few silver tip bullets just in case, or is that werewolves.

Hahahah I think that's for werewolves lol. And Bee I didnt know garlic was good for them. I need a list of all these natural supplements. also how often shiuld the acv be added??
Achickenwrangler# - she needs a stake.

therapydoglady - My dad did promote the same lesson as well but not as hard so I had to learn the hard way. My husband and I will be thumping it in to our kids.
Some people still use them and pheasant farmers use them all the time.

Walt....Amazing!!! So funny but i guess very practical.
I can just picture this guy sitting on a stool chickens(pheasants ) in a line to get their specks
Well thats what concerns me. he checked on them before bed and first thing in the morning he found them stiff as a board with broken necks. Only one was drug off. What the heck would do that? 15 birds dead in the coop! Also you're long does it take for a bird to dry out like that? Thats how five toe was when I found her but I saw no signs that anything had been in the yard.

Called "Switchel" in the 18th century, Works really good!
Just made some didnt measure as i didnt want to waste it if it was bad...
WOW!!! Sort of reminds me of lemonade really or koolaid that acidy type flavor but not bad at all ... can see how it cuts the thirst...I am asurar feaktoug hso had to add sugar the honey didnt cut it for me.Seems to make the water colder???
ACV mix with dish soap set in a cup when working with fruit like canning it will kill fruit flies.
I'm trying something today that I haven't tried in a few years.
I have some 4 1/2 week pullets and I just got some chicks yesterday.
I had a buff Orpington once who raised two Silkie chicks even though she was only a few weeks older than them. They snuggled under her wings and instinct kicked in and suddenly she was brooding them.

So I've put two BO's in a cage with two of the new peeps. So far it's warm enough that the chicks don't want under the BO's but everyone is getting along great and I'm hopeful that by tonight the little ones will snuggle under the big girls' wings. If they do, I'll add 4 more peeps, my 3rd BO and let the BO's brood / raise 6 of my 31 new peeps.
If it doesn't work out by the time it starts to get cold out, I'll put everyone back in their original cages and call it a day.

Anyone else have success kick starting a brooder like this? I've never succeeded in doing it with adult hens, even the Silkies, who are usually the best brooders in the barn.
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