Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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I keep going back and reading more of this thread. It's absolutely addictive, and I don't own a chicken! No wonder she loved it so much. You guys are a hoot! Brie
I spend more time reading than writing too.
Hi folks. Brie here. Therapydoglady called us all in this morning, as well as her attorney. Said if she gave the boys, one or both, power of attorney, then they could sign the final papers on the sale of the house and land, and she could see no other reason to hang around. Her attorney, semi-retired and a close friend, brought the papers at lunch, and all were signed and notarized by the hospital notary. We all had lunch together, she gave kisses all around and asked for a pain shot for the first time around 2:00 p.m. She stopped breathing at 4:59 p.m.

In death, as in life, she didn't mess around much. Before she had cancer, she had labled herself as the "Queen of Procrastination." But since I've known her, she was a ball of fire and got things done. We'll miss her so much, but we will remember her Joyfully, and you all should too!

Note:While sitting in her office, I noticed a row of 1" binders on her bookshelf. It was no less than 12 volumes of poetry she'd written. Each volume has about 50 poems in them. Everything from cowboy poetry, to poems about people, poems about animals, and even poems about chickens! And then there are about 10 volumes of short stories, some published, some not even proof read, but the ones I did read are great for kids. Who knew?

Its amazing what we learn about people after they die. I was my dads only child, and when he passed away unexpectedly in his sleep 2 monthes ago, I was lost. His house sold promptly, so I was forced to go clean and pack. I found tons of old labeled family photos, back to my great great grandparents. Family stories from his hand, and even older hands long still. Instead of complete misery, the little surprise discoveries made me feel even closer. I still miss him, but how wonderful it is to find myself knowing so much more than I ever realized was there, and I always felt him a rich personality.
Brie, my condolences for your loss. Your mother-in-law will certainly be missed by many. I'm so happy for your family that you got to have 12 bonus years with her! Treasure her memory, and hopefully you'll keep reading here, and check in now and again.
Hi folks. Brie here. Therapydoglady called us all in this morning, as well as her attorney. Said if she gave the boys, one or both, power of attorney, then they could sign the final papers on the sale of the house and land, and she could see no other reason to hang around. Her attorney, semi-retired and a close friend, brought the papers at lunch, and all were signed and notarized by the hospital notary. We all had lunch together, she gave kisses all around and asked for a pain shot for the first time around 2:00 p.m. She stopped breathing at 4:59 p.m.

In death, as in life, she didn't mess around much. Before she had cancer, she had labled herself as the "Queen of Procrastination." But since I've known her, she was a ball of fire and got things done. We'll miss her so much, but we will remember her Joyfully, and you all should too!

Note:While sitting in her office, I noticed a row of 1" binders on her bookshelf. It was no less than 12 volumes of poetry she'd written. Each volume has about 50 poems in them. Everything from cowboy poetry, to poems about people, poems about animals, and even poems about chickens! And then there are about 10 volumes of short stories, some published, some not even proof read, but the ones I did read are great for kids. Who knew?

I keep going back and reading more of this thread. It's absolutely addictive, and I don't own a chicken! No wonder she loved it so much. You guys are a hoot! Brie

Brie, our thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Perhaps you should take her chcikens home with you. You are also welcome to stay at BYC. You are not required to actually own or possess a chicken to be a member. You more than welcome to hang around.
my prayers are with her and your family. her and i had a great chat a last week doing p.m.'s. i will miss her.

I keep going back and reading more of this thread. It's absolutely addictive, and I don't own a chicken! No wonder she loved it so much. You guys are a hoot! Brie
Brie, if you read this thread all the way through you will probably wind up with chickens by the time you are done. Be forewarned!

Your mother-in-law was an inspiration. She will be missed. Thanks for letting us know what happened. Hope you stick around for a while!

Good Morning! Brie again. I am beginning to think that very thing. The more I read her daily log, the more I realize just how happy and in love with this disappearing way of life she was. And how satisfied and at peace she was at the end of every day when she sat down and wrote of the happenings of her day. A much slower pace all around. We live in San Antonio, and it is so big! I think our kids would definitely benefit from a more rural environment with animals etc. We had discussed taking Rudy, the Macaw, but she had already placed the old fart with another person. He hated us, but he loved our kids. My daughter was especially fond of the chickens while my son loved the goats and horses. He has become quite the equestrian, and his Mimaw had just bought him his first real rope and a practice head you put on a bale of hay. Chickens might not be such a big problem.

Thank you for your condolances, and the invitation to stay. I would like that. Brie.
She will be missed, but we are glad you found BYC!

Is there a link to her obituary so her poultry friends can honor her memory?

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Hi folks. Brie here. Therapydoglady called us all in this morning, as well as her attorney. Said if she gave the boys, one or both, power of attorney, then they could sign the final papers on the sale of the house and land, and she could see no other reason to hang around. Her attorney, semi-retired and a close friend, brought the papers at lunch, and all were signed and notarized by the hospital notary. We all had lunch together, she gave kisses all around and asked for a pain shot for the first time around 2:00 p.m. She stopped breathing at 4:59 p.m.

In death, as in life, she didn't mess around much. Before she had cancer, she had labled herself as the "Queen of Procrastination." But since I've known her, she was a ball of fire and got things done. We'll miss her so much, but we will remember her Joyfully, and you all should too!

Note:While sitting in her office, I noticed a row of 1" binders on her bookshelf. It was no less than 12 volumes of poetry she'd written. Each volume has about 50 poems in them. Everything from cowboy poetry, to poems about people, poems about animals, and even poems about chickens! And then there are about 10 volumes of short stories, some published, some not even proof read, but the ones I did read are great for kids. Who knew?

So sorry to read this. She will be greatly missed by many.
I would love to read some of her poems, if it isn't too personal to ask.
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