Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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It could be corysa, chronic respiratory disease or ??? I'm old I can't tell by little pics, but more than likely whatever it is will be something the other birds could get. The very first thing to do is get it out of your flock. I can't see it well, but between what I can see and what thedragonlady is saying it appears that this did not happen overnight.

hope this is a better pic of eye -

This does not look like a mechanical injury. (rooster picking) that puffy area is probably full of nasty stuff. I would not treat it, but you may be able to save her. The most important thing is get her away from your other birds.

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I've never had anything like that in my flocks either but, if I did, she'd be gone. If it looks infectious, even from a mechanical injury, then it may be transmittable. I wouldn't treat either.
Looks bad all right.

But I'm no help... I don't treat, I cull. Sorry.

Might post on the "emergency/diseases/injuries and cures" thread. Might get more response. I think a lot of us old timers tend to not treat. Please don't think I'm being mean, just honest and trying to help.
I appreciate the honest response to my request for advice and respect the OT experience. (Grandpa was a farmer and I've been exposed to butcher days on the farm - since I was little they kept me at a distance but I could see most of it) Not exactly ready to do it myself - my mother may need to help me - but she is currently out of town. I will figure it out... thanks everyone.
I've never had anything like that in my flocks either but, if I did, she'd be gone. If it looks infectious, even from a mechanical injury, then it may be transmittable. I wouldn't treat either.
yeah, been thinkin it over since this morning. For now she is just isolated and not liking it much. (I don't like it either but...) thank you for your opinion. BTW really enjoy this thread.
This does not look like a mechanical injury. (rooster picking) that puffy area is probably full of nasty stuff. I would not treat it, but you may be able to save her. The most important thing is get her away from your other birds.

I have her in an old dog kennel within the run, she is nearby the other 3 birds but yet out of reach
I have her in an old dog kennel within the run, she is nearby the other 3 birds but yet out of reach

I understand why you want her by the other birds, but some of this stuff can be spread pretty easily. I would not keep her in the same run.....well I wouldn't keep her, but that is the way I do it.

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