Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Maybe 'cause you had better things to play with as a chile!
We was so poor that grasshoppers were some of the few things we had to play with...that and the June Bugs on a string. We was so poor that we'd get batteries for Christmas and the package would say "Toy not included."

Dont forget grand daddy long legs and chasing snakes! And the best toy I remember, the best of all time.....The empty box a new refidgerator came in.
That was a puppet stage, a race car, a secret hiding place, a ship, a castle, a hideaway. Yeah we had all the best toys.
New refrigerator??? You guys got new frigerators????
The only time we had that level of cardboard we had to put it down on the floor as flooring! (Now, that story is true...
Until you put on a pair of pants with a wasp in them and emerge unscathed I don't think you have any special I have done that and let me tell you that he got me about 6 times before I know what was happening.

Having them build a nest under the seat of the out house wasn't much fun except when the neighbor girls were the first to find out. Drawer around their ankles and falling out the door. What a site. WOOHOO
Until you put on a pair of pants with a wasp in them and emerge unscathed I don't think you have any special I have done that and let me tell you that he got me about 6 times before I know what was happening.


walt. i had a wasp fly up my shorts and it got me right on the inside of my right butt cheek . holy magoogie that stung, i think i walked around in circles for like 30 min. gritting my teeth.
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