Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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ok while we are on the subject. i have 2 that i named. the rooster is good boy and my cross beak is named scissor beak. the rest have no names except get out of the way . the meat birds all have a universal name, a one size fits all , their called dinner.
I wanted to make sure people were interpreting this correctly. Do you mean the season when the hawks and owls are out and about hunting for food, or the season when people are hunting owls?
good question. Because one is nature, the other is illegal
Bee, This is EXCELLENT advice that all dog owners should be aware of. It saved my curious pit bull pup's life a few years ago when she found a poison block I had hidden in the back corner of a cupboard (how she got in there, I still don't know!). I walked into the room to find her crunching away and little blue crumbs all over the place. Immediately threw her into the bath tub and poured H2O2 down her throat, it doesn't take much (and they actually drink it the FIRST time - but never again, lol). Anyways, I don't recommend using the bath tub - take em outside. They'll throw up their guts and then, just as you say, wretch until you feel sorry for him. But they're still alive, no poison left in their system! I've had friends use this trick after their dog has found a whole bag of Hershey bars or something else they're not supposed to eat. Cheap, easy method that every dog owner should know about!
Wouldn't Ipecac work as well or better? you know the kind that every mother keeps in the medicine cabinet, just in case. I never had to use it, but always kept a bottle to promote vomiting!
you don;t ever want to pay a federal fine. it is very costly and feds don;t play.
"Although snowy owls are not an endangered species, shooting the owl is a federal violation of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918. If convicted, the person faces a fine of up to $15,000 and/or up to six months in jail. In addition, Hanzlick said, the poacher can face revocation of any hunting, fishing or trapping licenses."
Why in heaven's name would anyone shoot an owl ? Any owls tangled in your overhead netting were after the rats and mice in your runs.If one gets a dumb chicken who has not gone to roost; consider that the owl did you a favor in culling a retarded chicken. In all my years of re-habbing owls and hawks for the GA. DNR, I've never had an owl make a pass at the chickens who frequented my barn. The Hawks are another matter entirely.
I have had plenty trouble with Large owls here and they will fly right under my carport and SMALL PETS GOING OUT FOR A BATHROOM BREAK. They took a kitten right out of my grand daughter's hands, giving her a bad scratch. The owl was swiftly dispatched to owl hell and the kitty went to kitty heaven, because of it's injuries. My daughter went to the hospital and got a tetnus shot. I never take a chance and will shoot every one that I see lurking as my animals or kids! It was a very large white owl and I will send ANY SUCH PREDATOR i SEE TO Hell after one went after my grandchild. Another time The I was watching a chicken hawk on top of the chicken cage taring at the wire and roof. When I went out to shoo him away, he flew at me, so I went and got my gun and dispatched him too. I called the police and the same cop came that I reported the Owl attack to, and was told around here you have the right to protect your livestock and family. I will shoot any predator that tries to kill. I have live traps out every night and have been whitteling down on the coons, wolves, possums, weasels, fox, and bobcats that come onto my property. I don't bother the deer as they do not kill, only take some food and some left over corn. I have a feeder for them and they are so pretty to watch. We have 2 does, 4 fawns and I see a large buck show himself, every once in a while. The fawns visit every morning and evening for a handout and we enjoy their visits and I do not allow anyone to shoot them on my land. The worse are stray dogs dropped off in the area. People get tired of their pets so they drop them off "in the country to fend for themselves". They will wipe out a whole flock and not eat any. I don't need anyone's discarded animals and when the dogs kill them they are just doing their job killing the bad guys who come on their property. It's really the owners who abandon these dogs that need to be shot. That's the way it is when you raise livestock. If the predators kill the livestock, we go hungry. That's the long and short of it!!!
Better out than in I always say. Henry has a pee tree he uses.
I leave baggies with a piece of dish towel and a dollop of ammonia all over the garage and behind the stove and back in the back of cabinets. I pour it in the garbage cans too. That is the only thing I have found that keeps them out. Ammonia makes them think something huge just peed there. Lasts about 6 weeks till you need to redo it.
Of course we didnt have mice until we had kids and at one point they (the kids) would get their jamies on, their teeth all brushed, and then sit silently on the kitchen floor and wait for a mouse to check out the snap traps. As soon as one got caught it was an uproar of cheers and excitement. lol.
i knew I shoulda got a video of that. 2 and 3 years old sitting silently for sometimes a half hour.
Anyway, my kids are like Shrek kids. Nothing fazes them, they are game with all kinds of stuff we do. Nina is right there helping clean a chicken butt. Keeping herself awake to see Henry get stitches in his face after midnight in the ER. Carrying around a splinter for a week (that she got stuck in her head and finally came out a month later). Henry eyes as big as saucers when I told him to sit on the stoop cause when daddy chops the Gooses head off it will take of running and flapping all over the place and blood will be everywhere. (The funniest part of that evening was the look on Hubby's face when I said that. lol.)
Before the snap traps I tried the glue tom cat traps. Yeah, if you get one on the glue and throw it away the bugger will chew through the garbage and the glue trap and get free....So DH would take tiny little Henry and they would go out side with a baggie and a hammer. So for me the snap traps were actually a little more humane. I got one of those really big snap traps once. DH looked at it and said "that could kill the cat!" so we never have used it.
End result is a 6 year old instructing me to call him when I see a fox so he can shoot it with the bb gun, since he is a better shot than I am. lol. and a 7 year old who trims her chickens wings herself..
I can picture you hicking up your skirt and trying to pee on a fence line! Hope no one is passing the house when you do!
REnt a kid has them. Also you could call the Boy Scout troup leader and see if they can get some community service badges for doing that. Good luck!
You think they have a pee badge? I'll have to call the girl scouts and ask my granddaughter it she earned hers yet? I give her a dozen eggs to deliver to my neighbors when she goes around selling cookies, S sure sells a lot of cookies and I get my deliveries done for free.
I have had plenty trouble with Large owls here and they will fly right under my carport and SMALL PETS GOING OUT FOR A BATHROOM BREAK. They took a kitten right out of my grand daughter's hands, giving her a bad scratch. The owl was swiftly dispatched to owl hell and the kitty went to kitty heaven, because of it's injuries. My daughter went to the hospital and got a tetnus shot. I never take a chance and will shoot every one that I see lurking as my animals or kids! It was a very large white owl and I will send ANY SUCH PREDATOR i SEE TO Hell after one went after my grandchild. Another time The I was watching a chicken hawk on top of the chicken cage taring at the wire and roof. When I went out to shoo him away, he flew at me, so I went and got my gun and dispatched him too. I called the police and the same cop came that I reported the Owl attack to, and was told around here you have the right to protect your livestock and family. I will shoot any predator that tries to kill. I have live traps out every night and have been whitteling down on the coons, wolves, possums, weasels, fox, and bobcats that come onto my property. I don't bother the deer as they do not kill, only take some food and some left over corn. I have a feeder for them and they are so pretty to watch. We have 2 does, 4 fawns and I see a large buck show himself, every once in a while. The fawns visit every morning and evening for a handout and we enjoy their visits and I do not allow anyone to shoot them on my land. The worse are stray dogs dropped off in the area. People get tired of their pets so they drop them off "in the country to fend for themselves". They will wipe out a whole flock and not eat any. I don't need anyone's discarded animals and when the dogs kill them they are just doing their job killing the bad guys who come on their property. It's really the owners who abandon these dogs that need to be shot. That's the way it is when you raise livestock. If the predators kill the livestock, we go hungry. That's the long and short of it!!!
while everything you say may be true. Posting it on a public forum on the internet....not smart. IF you must do these things, They NEVER happened. If you get my drift.
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when it comes down to it, you must protect your family and livestock no matter what stupid laws that are put on the books. it sounds like the cops where you live have some common sense and know how to deal with the public. there are other cops who take sadistic pleasure in seeing good people locked up for nothing while allowing violent criminals to go free. these cops are 'order takers' and won't think twice about turning their guns on american citizens or their pets and livestock when tshtf.
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