Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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...but it comes with its own chandelier, and library.
Delivery not included.

But does it come with it's own supply of Silkie brand toilet paper? I bet they are still using Charmin there because they have not found out about the renewable, washable Silkie that is ten times more soft, natural and hypo-allergenic to chickens~and it's a green solution that helps the environment by eliminating the need of cutting down all those trees. Hmmph! Amateurs....
But does it come with it's own supply of Silkie brand toilet paper? I bet they are still using Charmin there because they have not found out about the renewable, washable Silkie that is ten times more soft, natural and hypo-allergenic to chickens~and it's a green solution that helps the environment by eliminating the need of cutting down all those trees. Hmmph! Amateurs....
You guys are cracking me up too! My concern with the Niemans coop is those butterfly shaped pop doors. Seems like the birds would have to dodge the sharper spots each time they ran in and out. And you know they would all roost in the library. Even Martha's coops (like 30 of them in a huge row) are better design. lol.
no problem. they know that their poop doesn't stink.
My little newbie friend just found the cutest homemade play house blue with white trim and dutch doors on Craig's list for $125.00 It has 4 windows and a shake roof. I told her to go get it. Even if she needs to modify it the materials would have cost way more! No library though but she can just get her chicks a dvd player or a Wii or something. hilarious.
Side note: I don't advocate the shooting of migratory birds as a method of predator control. It's an illegal practice in most places and there are ways to protect the flocks from this threat that doesn't include blasting all the hawks and owls from the sky on sight. Even if I did, I would not discuss this on a public forum. As others have pointed out, it's just not a good idea....

A chicken cost between $5-$10 and a federal fine is much more costly.
But does it come with it's own supply of Silkie brand toilet paper? I bet they are still using Charmin there because they have not found out about the renewable, washable Silkie that is ten times more soft, natural and hypo-allergenic to chickens~and it's a green solution that helps the environment by eliminating the need of cutting down all those trees. Hmmph! Amateurs....
Is this the thread we were discussing rat poison? anyway I looked at some today but couldn't bring myself to buy it after reading what it does to dogs cats and other wildlife if the dead rodents are eaten by them. This was Tom Cat all my feed store had.
ML, I've been using JOB for years now and the rats always crawl outside to die....never once have my dogs, cats or chickens touched them. If a coon or possum finds and eats the carcass, I count that as a two-fer.
Still reading this thread from both ends and I'll have to say the first half is far more informative than the last half. But the latter is very entertaining and is still peppered with some great stuff. Just couldn't pass up the opportunity to emphatically agree with the last sentence in this post.
believe you me, it more than getting by here. or it was. and you miss the point of its the "type" of protein. the protein in most all store bought feeds is plant based. soy beans usually. perhaps if you really spend some money and feed them pigeon type feed, you will get other types of peas and legumes. which is great stuff. (the pigeon feed, not the soy bean IMO) and when i was showing fowl, and was getting them ready, i would up the protein, but not with some store bought crap in a bag. but for your everyday run of the mill fowl, they dont need 22% to get by and to thrive. i feel genetics is more important than diet. course to me, its not all about looks. when breeding and raising, it was the total package that was sought after. breeding for standard and looks is the ruination of most all types of animals.

(I should amend to say 'breeding only for standard and looks without regard to function', as has happened with many many dogs breeds and most notably the quarter horse.)
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