Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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My little newbie friend just found the cutest homemade play house blue with white trim and dutch doors on Craig's list for $125.00 It has 4 windows and a shake roof. I told her to go get it. Even if she needs to modify it the materials would have cost way more! No library though but she can just get her chicks a dvd player or a Wii or something. hilarious.
I bought 4, count 'em FOUR, Suncast horizontal double walled storage boxes on sale. I love these things! 1 -100 W. light bulb keeps them toasty for grow outs. The roofs also pop up for hotweather. 2 front doors too. Hubby put a poop door in one and mounted them 2' off the ground with ramps. They are about 4 1/2 feet long x 2 1/2 deep x 3' tall. I have 5 big baby 6 mos old .Orps sleeping in one, and 15- 4-6 week old babies in the other. No way you could build these for 135.00. Super easy to clean too. The other 2 are for expansion...don't tell Hubby. I stashed them in the attic !
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Some domestic turkey will lay inthe fall and spring but some are just seasonal layers. Mine have not laid yet in the fall but who knows about the younger ones.
The other 2 are for expansion...don't tell Hubby. I stashed them in the attic !
How much will you pay us not to tell your Hubby?

I bought 4, count 'em FOUR, Suncast horizontal double walled storage boxes on sale. I love these things! 1 -100 W. light bulb keeps them toasty for grow outs. The roofs also pop up for hotweather. 2 front doors too. Hubby put a poop door in one and mounted them 2' off the ground with ramps. They are about 4 1/2 feet long x 2 1/2 deep x 3' tall. I have 5 big baby 6 mos old .Orps sleeping in one, and 15- 4-6 week old babies in the other. No way you could build these for 135.00. Super easy to clean too. The other 2 are for expansion...don't tell Hubby. I stashed them in the attic !
Thats a great idea! Can you get us pics???
Plexiglas isn't cheap either!! At least around here a 4x8 sheet is over $120.
And yes, horse manure would probably be a lot less smelly than fermenting cow manure.
Are you hoping that if the water freezes overnight the greenhouse will thaw it? I'm wondering if there would be any value in being able to cover it at night to keep some heat in. I assume the birds want a morning drink when they get off the roost.

Agree on Plexiglas but if you search maybe you could find a couple old refrigerators with glass shelves or the old fashion council TVs with a protective glass front.
I am hoping that the water stays thawed from the heat of the manure. But in any case I will change the water every morning thawed or frozen @ 4:am and am going to use the black rubber bowls to attract heat. So it does not matter if it freezes during the night I only need it thawed out during the day. Also if it freezes before the chickens get up I will add a heat source with a thermal cube and a timer say on at 4am off at 6pm it would not run very often because of the heat generated by the green house in day light hours.
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Ayep....always keep water and feed in the coop. If not, the dog will eat and drink everything, even though he has his own. Never had a problem with the water causing excess humidity levels...we have our own built in humidity here in the mountains. A waterer doesn't cause a blip compared to that.
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