Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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There was better information on the web three months ago. When the California bill 37 started to catch fire nationwide there was a compaign of de information that flooded the search engines. Now everything about GMO has been dumbed down and muddied and the facts are much harder to decipher and funnel through. Three months ago the main sites I was cruising around said the 8 was at the end. Then some sights started saying the beginning and then bam most internet sources disappeared. So I consider both the fronty8 or the end 8 or if the UPC is broken up and there is an 8 at any of the beginnings or ends of the sections I wont buy it. We initially went to the websites of the brands we use the most. DH would call me from the store for weeks and I would hurridly look up something and we weeded a lot out of our diet. For me and to my thinking 8 means GMO to so many different levels of the food process that they havent been able to change that yet, however they can reinvent UPC codes fairly easily and move the 8 around. As for fruit the 5 digit with an 8(beginning or end for me) or the regular 4 digit number is how you can tell. Veggies are tougher because they are usually marked on the shelf and not the product and those shelf tags may not be current to the stock. I agree buy local as much as you can. Meet your farmers. Grow your own. But for those of us with gravel for dirt....There is a war going on with the food we eat and not enough people even know about it. There are billions being spent to keep us in the dark. Other Countries like India and Germany have had public upheavals over it. Americans just dont think a company could take over so completely with all the government agencies we have. My uncles fought in Korea and VietNam. Monsanto is the company that developed Roundup, back then it was used to kill the jungles. Neither of my uncles was ever able to have children. Roundup is that same chemical which was made illegal in the us. They changed the name and they ship it everywhere in the world. Once a field has been sprayed with Roundup nothing that is not GMO or "Round up ready" can grow there successfully for 30 to 100 years. See starvation in the window? Not only that but neighboring farms get the seeds and round up on their fields from wind and water and then Monsanto sues them for using patented organics illegally. ( And if the neighbor is an organic grower he cannot legally label his produce organic). Puts them farmers out of business and then buys their farm for pennies on the dollar. There is a case that the supreme court just took on against the advice of the Obama admin. Soy bean farmer suing monsanto. The farmers is an old guy with an oldfashioned name i cant remember but he is using everything he has to fight this. Anyway, I still wonder about third generation chickens and GMO feed. A big plug for free ranging if you can do it.
I actually have an old box of oats and a new box of oats from the same company and the new box is GMO.
This website is liked on my FB and I get updates and emails fairly consistently about what is going on. Everyone is waiting on the election to see what happens in CA. With the 5th (at one point) largest economy in the world whatever happens in CA will spread accross the Country.
Millions Against Monsanto by shared California Right To Know's photo. Good luck feeding your family and your chickens.
Whew, got the chicken thread back on chickens.

Farmer Bowman

Monsanto will probably try to say their product is like software, is my guess, where people can't sell copies legally. Hopefully the Farmer's attorney is savvy enough to remind the court that software can't copy itself, while seed can and does with no input from the unwitting farmer. We followed a couple of situations faced by corn farmers whose crops were tainted with pollen from Monsanto-patented crops. Sadly they did not have the resources to fight. At the time we were dumbfounded at the prospect of being able to patent food! I guess we need to file a patent on air and water and dirt. Sheesh.
Now, folks, ordinarily I am all up for a good hi-jack and never really think there is such a thing when folks are just sitting and the diversity of conversations. But this isn't the ordinary hi-jack...this is a hi-jack with a crew of guys who directed the pilot to fly to Libya and are dropping the passengers out the door one by one as they fly along.

Maybe open a new thread on which to discuss the GMO dilemma? I know that feeds and feed sources fall under flock management but.....maybe we could get back to the ordinary questions about housing, feeding, breeding for this or that, health management, etc.? This new topic really deserves it's own special thread on which the information can be fully reviewed, dissected and discussed!

We OTs don't get our panties too much in a wad over the GMO thingy, though we don't like it anymore than anyone else. We just know that you take what life gives you and make the best of it...change it if you can, but if you cannot, just deal with it. We are currently just dealing with it.
ok dragonlady.
i fell for the whole naughus thing. i never heard of one so i googled it. now thats some funny stuff. oh boy, it got me hook line and sinker.
Tn the South, we call dent corn, field corn, opposed to sweet corn for fresh eating. Field corn is dried and then ground into corn meal for corn bread or finer for fish-fry or seafood frying. Finer yet into corn flour for masa, for tortias or tamales. It is a lot more starch and a lot less sugar than sweet corn. It is also used as animal feed and now people want to run their vehicles on it, go figure, and they wonder why they have to buy a new vehicle every few years.

We call it field corn too but sometimes it's called dent corn. Field corn is usually thought of as nothing more than livestock food though it's the same corn as cornmeal corn.

To be real masa, the corn must be soaked in pickling lime first. That's why you need whole corn to do it. You can't then rinse the lime out of already ground up corn. It's essentially identical to hominy but rather then eaten whole or ground coarse for grits, it's either ground fresh or dried and ground. Straight corn flour doesn't make good tamales but can make a passable tortilla.
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Isn't that the new toilet paper? Silkie (tm) brand?
I will admit they have a reputation of being great at going broody, I've been tempted to get some to help my girls, the breeds that I have don't often go broody. Maybe silkies are smarter than they look, they don't appear to me to be the type that could survive our hawks. They look like dollhouse chickens.

Anyone free range silkies?
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