Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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Thanks for the replys. I thought about the FF being too cold even though I tried warming it up a bit before I put it out. The dog bowl is a great idea Armorfirelady. And Bee, I thank you as well for the dog bowl idea. I had purchased an electric automatic waterer that was useless. Now I have the heated dog bowl with the ice cream container filled with water. So very easy! They did knock it over yesterday, but I think I may have had it too high. It's lowered now so I'll check it when I go out again. Oh, and my DH thanks you as well. I never buy ice cream, but I wanted that bucket, so the DH is really enjoying himself.

Armorfirelady, I didn't think of predators. Three days ago a hawk was stalking the coop. Sat right in front of the run, then flew up into the tree. I went out there and he flew away. But you're right, given the timing, they may be spooked.
Mine stayed holed up on their coop for about 24 hours after what I suspect was a hawk chased them all into hiding this past weekend.
Yes...there is always an excuse for ice cream!
I agree, although i have to sit next to the wood stove to eat it.
That is truly one of my favorite parts about winter time..that wood heat. It just creeps into your bones and warms them from the marrow on's almost hypnotic, like a good massage.
I love the smell from the wood burning. And when it snows, you feel the warmth and look out the window and see the snow laying softly on the pine tree branches. I love that part of winter. Hate the bitter cold outside. Boy did I bundle up this morning when I went out to the coop. I am worried about predators though. Never had a problem all year, but now with winter on it's way, they'll all be looking for food. Hopefully my coop is sound and my birds safe.
You need a Jake living by your coop.
The peace of mind that provides is wonderful! I go to sleep each night without worries about the chickens and I never think twice about them ranging in the daytime. It's a lovely feeling to not have to worry about such things and just enjoy the chicken experience.
Wood Smoke!!! mmmmmmmmm I really do miss the four seasons by living here in S. Texas. Have you ever baked potatoes in your wood stove?

Lisa :)
Heating with wood, up here, isn't quite as romantic as it may sound. LOL But I wouldn't change a thing, except perhaps a slightly larger stove.

I've got 10 cord inside and outside the barn. I'm off right now to get another couple cord. It's hard work. Wood heats you three times, as they say.
Just filled the chain saw. Gotta go load the fuel can, bar oil, and saw into the trailer, hook it up to the truck. See ya in about 4 hours. Pooped and sore.
Ya ever drive by a house that has a huge, neatly stacked woodpile and get "wood envy"? My kids used to laugh at me about that, but my mother and I both do this...we'll be driving by a house and exclaim, "Wow! Look at THAT woodpile! NICE!". I expect most ladies would be admiring the beauty of the home or landscaping, but we always zero in on the woodpile.
I miss the wood stove, wonderful memories from my childhood. Yes we baked potatoes in the coals, and cooked beans, and a treat was a baked onion, yummmy. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I love this time of year.
Quote: Just because its easier to pick up the bowl at night to take it inside to rinse it & set on the island to remind me to fill it to take it out to the hens full in the morning. Easier clean up also.

Depending on how the temp of the food is in the bowl I might have to start putting it directly in the bowl. Its been in the 20s here at night so the bowl is on all night. So I might either have to keep food in there all the time or maybe put some sand in it so something is in it while its on.
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