Chickens for 10-20 years or more? Pull up a rockin' chair and lay some wisdom on us!

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All the chicks in my picture have siblings for a mothers. Yet all the chicks are different sizes born within a few days of each other. She looks healthy..she eats and drinks. She will probably turn out to be the boss alpha.
They are supposed to be the same breed, hatched at the same time.  They definitely all started out the same size when I got them and they are all growing at slightly different rates, but this little one literally hasn't shown any growth in two weeks.  I haven't been weighing him, so he may have grown some, but not like I would expect it to in this phase of life. The different sizes don't bother me, just the fact that this one's size hasn't changed. It's wierd. I honestly keep expecting him to act sickly or keel over, but it seems like a perfectly happy week old chick...too bad it's 3 weeks old.

I ordered 20 chicks California white and buff leghorns. One of my buff chicks was like that stayed smaller then all the others until about 20 weeks. By that point she was about the same sz. She is one of my later bloomers. My first chicken laid at 19 weeks, but now at 28? Weeks I think I have 3 left to start laying. My little Buffy among them. I'm ok with that though. From reading the old timers, I now understand that a chicken that isn't in a rush to lay is less likely to quit laying early as well....
I'd not, just because of the worm issue. 'Course, if you cook him thoroughly first, then, yes. They can eat him.

Me? I use him to fertilize one of my younger trees. Nice swing of the bat, BTW.
the possum hissed at me and i yelled four. it was four alright. four times in the head. then i said eat my chickens. i don't think so.
When you butcher out chickens or ducks or turkeys, they need to rest. If you butcher out today, the earliest best cook day would be Friday. You of course can cook it any day you want. It is sooo much better if you let them rest at least two days. I find my older chickens are best on the third day. The golden bronze turkeys are best on third day. The time is needed for muscle relaxation and break down. You might want to think about putting this fresh kill in apple juice and ice bags to help with the break down.
Delisha, I am afraid to rest it cause its been too warm and there is no refrigeration avail for it. It is too big to even fit if I had room in th e fridge. I'm not comfortable w/ leaving it at room temp. Im gonna take the apple juice and ice tip though for sure. I thought resting was optional.
This is an Easter Turkey so I dont even know if that is considered old or young as far as turkeys go. Thanks so much for your advise and input.

The crooked foot....I inherited an adult with feet like that and she was beloved by the whole flock. She is the one that died. She got around fine and roosted on the ground.

I also like the brooder design a lot.

And welcome to all the new persons!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to live in a place zoned for chickens!

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