Chickens for the backyard

Sex links are very good layers....My buff orpingtons and my barred rock are super friendly...also a couple of our Rhode Island Reds like to be held. For the smaller ones, most silkies are friendly but they don't lay a whole lot. They do make good broodies (hens that set on eggs to hatch) though. My favorite is a golden sebright. BEAUTIFUL bird and just friendly as can be. I can hold both pullet and rooster and they will fall asleep in my arms. Good luck with your choice.

This is a great site that tells you everything you want to know!

Let us know what breeds you pick!

I know you said you are looking for a smaller bird and I just am in love with my d'uccles mille fleurs!!! They are so sweet and calm and love to be cuddled. I am not sure if they great egg layers because mine are only 5 weeks old but so far I would highly suggest them
Welcome, I'm new too.
We've got 7 week ols Barred Rocks and Golden Comets (a type of sex link) and they're both great. The Golden Comets are notoriously great layers, early starting and prolific and ours lets our 7 year old carry her around all the time!

I also checked out mypetchicken and other sites and talked to local chickophiles.

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