Chickens free in Indiana


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 22, 2008
We have about lots ducks and chickens to find new homes for. They all free range and are getting into the farmers wheat in the field across the street. He is not happy to say the least so and wants them locked up. We do not have room for that many ducks & chickens nor do we want to lock them up as we bought them to be buggers in our pastures. We will keep a few that we can lock up until the wheat is in but the rest have to go. They will have to go to the auction on Thursday if they are not spoken for before then. We have avaliable:

2 Jumbo Pekin hens (gone)
3 Khaki Campbell hens (gone)
3 runner hens
4 pekin hens
1 pekin drake
1 Cayuga drake
1 mix drake (very pretty)
3 mix hens (ducks)
1 Barred Rock Rooster (gone)
5 Barred Rock Hens (gone)
4 Black Australorpe Hens (gone)
4 Buff Orps (gone)

I do not know how to post pictures on here but if you are interested I can send pictures. The chickens are 08 spring hatchings and are laying daily. The ducks are 07-08 hatchings and most are laying.

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Wow, Im so sorry you have to give up so many. I would love the 3 Khaki Campbell hens , but I am just over an hr SOUTH of Indy...and cant afford the drive. I sure hope they find great homes...and NOT in someones freezer.
Hi Deb,

I would be willing to meet you in Indy if that helps. I want them to go to good homes too and I hat e the thought of the auction but I feel my options are limited. They have never been a problem leaving our property (meaning they never left) until the wheat went in. Just let me know.
I got your email and I emailed you back Indiana Hens. They are yours! See you later today!

The Khaki's are spoken for.

I live down near fort knox and would be happy to meet you around there.

1 Cayuga drake
1 pekin hens
2 Buff Orps if you no longer have 2 Black Australorpe Hens

Ann Marie

I see that the 10th is a Friday. I could meet you after work.
Hi Anne Marie,

That is a 3.5 hour drive for me. I have three kids three & under so that is just too far for me to drive espically with gas the way it is and just giving them away. I wish you were closer!


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