Chickens have sharp beaks and bit my 4 year old son

Chickens do peck also they see little red lips look like juicy tomatoes or strawberries chickens are attracted to things and very curious. My hens , and baby chicks also peck at fingers , and if held close enough will also peck at someones face. Its their nature. I am glad your son is ok !

Give him lots of hugs and continue to encourage him and teach him and he will grow up to teach others :)
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well my little one has recovered just fine, and may even be cured from sticking lips or fingers inside the chicken wire lol. He still enjoys entering the chicken yard and feeding them though. As for the "rooster" no crowing yet, and no spurs that I can see. Sure is unusually pretty with long tail feathers that curve!
That is a rooster, no doubt. Crowing, spurs and mounting hens will come, eventually. Some birds mature later and don't crow, etc until 6 months or later. Sometimes spurs don't show up until after a year old. But that is a rooster, if you keep him prepare for the hormone storm to come. And closely supervise your children around him, they'll fly at a little completely unprovoked.
My Rooster Has A Sharp Beak And Like Play Fighting With My Dog, They Usually Just Play Fight But Sometimes My Rooster Isn't In The Mood To Play Around So He Will Actually Start Fighting! Once I Was Messing Around With Him And He Got Mad So He Pecked Me It Really Hurt, He Pecked Me By My Leg It Hurt For Like 3 Days!
That is normal chicken behavior! They thought his lips were a tasty worm treat.:/

I teach my kids to keep their face away from any chicken!!! They can get their eyeball poked and I don't want blind children. All my hens are very friendly lap chickens. They'd do the same if my kids did this. I also use hardware cloth vs chicken wire for the safety of my hens.

I'm glad your son is okay.
wow this was a while ago, but now the same hen is still biting! She is super friendly and lets me hold her anytime. But she chases me sometimes and will sneak up behind me and bite hard enough to break the skin! I think she is expecting us to feed her meal worms, but if I didn't know better I would think she was trying to hurt me :(
Ummmm disease waiting to happen! Don't trim their beaks... But don't let your son stick is tongue through chicken wire cause that's bad... There are TONS of germs from the chickens and the coop now in his mouth and body... EEEW!! Sorry this happened!!!
Ya sorry this was a while ago didnt notice :lol:
She is prob chasing you because, like you said, they think you have treats... But you gotta SHOW EM WHOSE BOSS! Let them know that your at the top of the pecking order! If they peck you again maybe kick them off lightly, shoo em away a little you know what I mean... :D
Ummmm disease waiting to happen! Don't trim their beaks... But don't let your son stick is tongue through chicken wire cause that's bad... There are TONS of germs from the chickens and the coop now in his mouth and body... EEEW!! Sorry this happened!!!
wow.... that is a bit germaphobic there. I don't think her little boy is going to die from a little chicken bite. If he had a suppressed immune system, they might have to worry...otherwise, unless he is licking a live chicken all over and that chicken has been kept in dirty conditions, it's pretty unlikely that he's going to be sick.

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