Chickens in Georgia


5 Years
Nov 19, 2018
West Georgia
This is our second go with chickens. The first time a few years ago our daughter was in 4-H. We got some Bantams which were fun. Thought we'd expand our flock but disaster struck and a stray dog tore up our coop and killed every last one, even the chicks. We were devastated at the time. Fast forward a few years and after seeing the chicks at Tractor Supply we decided to do it again, this time with regular size chickens and a Fort Knox of a coop.
We got 8 chickens this spring, my wife said get 4 and I said we might lose a few, so we got 8. Started them in the deck house and eventually built the coop with the important help of my 3 year old grandson. I used hardware cloth (1/2") to be certain to keep out predators as everybody likes chicken.
We got 4 Reds and 4 tan ones. I don't remember the exact variety but they all get along. They are such a hoot to watch out in the yard. We let them run when we are at home. They tend to lay better when they get to run around and peck. I have blueberries which they love. They clean up the lower ones and any that drop. They literally will jump trying to get any that they see. It's too funny. They also like figs. It's also funny when they chase a flying bug across the yard.
I've somewhat enclosed the run for the winter with plastic and tarps. Seems that cold weather doesn't seem to bother them, although we just got thru with a week of rain which no one liked.

More pix to come.
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Caught them all together!
They love picking thru pine straw so I added it to the run for the winter. We have lots of it.
Getting ready to sleep on the roosts.
The coop which they only go into to lay eggs. My wife wanted me to put them up on a cold night and they wouldn't have anything to do with it. Every try to herd chickens?
Welcome to Backyard Chickens! We are glad you joined the flock!:welcome BYC is a helpful site providing all the information you need to know about poultry! There is always space for more members on the BYC roost!:highfive: It appears you have buff orpingtons and production reds. Hope you enjoy it here as much as we all do!
In God's country up there. Love driving thru the mountains up there. BTW, what do you do for your flock in the winter?

As far as what in particular? Most of mine are very, very old, except for two younger breeding groups of Brahmas and Barred Rocks. By old, I mean 8-12 years old and most of those have some issues with arthritis in their joints so those get a heat spot they can get underneath for the worst of winter nights. The others get nothing different than any other time of year, really, just the 22% protein layer feed and my 16% protein grain mix in small amounts, plus a probiotic here and there.
All of my birds are in a large steel barn with 5 windows that are always cracked for ventilation, in their various pens, so they're out of the weather.

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