Chickens in the garage! Will it work and any tips on building it?

I am going to do the same thing. We have a detached barn that has a cement floor and it has been retrofitted for a two car garage. It is huge, two stories. We never put our cars in due to toys and stuff, but I bought my husband a 10 x 12 metal shed of his own, and now he has moved much of his lawn equipment etc. out there. So we have a corner free. It is very cold to the extreme here in NH, and I hope building my coop in my barn will help with warmth and overall cost of the coop. Sounds like it will. It will not be "pretty", but my 5 chickens will be happy, and with the run behind the barn facing south, it is the warmnest and least windy place on our property. I hope I am making a good decision.
The garage isn't attached so i'm ok there.

I'm just looking to house a couple of hens. I might look into the mini-barn but i don't think that would go over well here since they are so expensive and we have all the supplies for a coop except paint.
You've seen the comments about the dust. Depending on how the detached garage is used, it could certainly work. I built my coop inside an existing shed and it has worked well. But I use the shed to store stuff that a little dust won't hurt.

Good luck!
I could take a picture with my phone if that would help but the area is completely covered with tools and stuff
I think it is fine to have chickens in the garage.

If you are just going to have a few hens, you don't need to use pine shavings, so dust will be less of a problem. You could use play sand if you need a small daytime run area in the garage.

Make sure you have a poop board under the roost and dump it in your compost pile each morning. You can use a kitty litter scoop every morning in the sand area. No smells, no flies, no dust.
The coop in the garage looks nice. What about ventilation. It looks pretty closed up. Why didn't you just use hardware cloth for the roof since it is in an enclosed garage?
Thanks for that pic.

Thats almost exactly what i wanted to do! How many chickens do you have in it? How do they get outside? And what about the ventilation? And i don't mean to be rude but about how much did that run you?

*takes a breath* phew

Ok so thats kinda where my window would be in relation to the coop (a little lower and a little bigger) plus i have a workbench in the way so does anyone have any ideas on how to get them from the coop and out the window?

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