Chickens in their new coop


9 Years
May 9, 2010
Cabot, AR
I don't know where to post this, but it involves the new coop so...I went out to the coop just before dark to see if the girls and Rudy were going to go into the coop by themselves (last night I put them in one by one). I have 6 Buff O's and 6 RIR's. All the Buff O girls were in the coop and all the RIR's were still outside, milling around looking confused! I just thought it was funny that they seemed to stick together by breed! As I watched a couple of the RIR hens went in, but Rudy the roo and the other 3 hens stayed out, pacing around acting agitated. I decided to let them figure it out as I had groceries to put up and supper to cook. I went back later to make sure they all got in and they did, except for one hen that was sitting right in the door. Silly chickens!
They are silly birds. They usually figure it out. A nightlight inside the coop sometimes helps.
My rooster did that the other night, roosted right in the doorway. He was not amused when I gently pushed him inside so I could lock the door!
Well, tonight is their 4th night in the coop, and they are going in and roosting like they've been doing it for months. I had to put them in the first night, second night all the buff o's went in, but the rir's took longer to figure it out, 3rd night they all went in except for one hen who slept in the doorway, I picked her up and put her on the roost. Tonight...all in on the is good!
Silly Choock'ns!
After ten days my five are finally all going in their new house at night...except for the one blue cochin who can't decide if she should NOT...about every other night. ARGH!!! Dufus chicken.
My FBCM is always last to bed, and my Ameracauna is always first. I can count on waiting for Carmen to get inside so I can close the door.

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