Chickens never came home

Don't beat yourself up for not intervening. You had no idea they wouldn't make their way home.
Me, I'm hoping they will be back for you. Don't give up hope. Keep looking and calling them.
Its the reality & hazards of "Free Ranging". Sad but true.
I'll keep you posted if mine does or doesnt make it back home.
My dog & I went searching and she didn't alert on her scent which is weird but with all the rain, I'm not surprised.
It's been raining all day and all night for days with little breaks. Hopefully shes hunkered down somewhere safe. Her name is Sunshine aka: Sunny and she's a very skiddish Easter Egger.
She laid my green egg today too.
SUNNY! Is back home safe and sound this morning.
I went out all over calling and shaking the food can. She finally came running.
She got outside the fence. Mind you, 2:3 acres is fenced. A three board with "no climb" wire on the inside of that.
She was squawking and running back and forth to get back over but didn't want to give up her secret because I had to go and get her!
They all got scrambled eggs with shell and pureed carrot soup on top.
All are happy.
Don't give up hope. Keep looking and calling and shaking a food can so they can hear your voice and the food shaking.
Miracles DO Happen!!
Thank you! I do feel fortunate to get some of them back. I’ve been walking the woods and fields and have yet to find anything. Our other neighbors also have a coop off in the distance and checked to see if they decided to take refuge there instead, but they were not around. We had waited until they were laying and reached maturity to let them out, but perhaps they still have some growing up to do. For now, they have remained locked up.
I have new pullets my first time as well. I’ve been wanting to let them out but had decided not to because I’m extremely paranoid about hawks, coyote, raccoons, fox, the list goes on... thank you for your post, it helped in the finale decision. So sorry about your feathered friends. :( We have a coop with an attached run as well so we are just going to stick with that.
SUNNY! Is back home safe and sound this morning.
I went out all over calling and shaking the food can. She finally came running.
She got outside the fence. Mind you, 2:3 acres is fenced. A three board with "no climb" wire on the inside of that.
She was squawking and running back and forth to get back over but didn't want to give up her secret because I had to go and get her!
They all got scrambled eggs with shell and pureed carrot soup on top.
All are happy.
Don't give up hope. Keep looking and calling and shaking a food can so they can hear your voice and the food shaking.
Miracles DO Happen!!

I am so happy for you!!! Today I walked the densely wooded fence line I last saw them, calling and looking under everything to see if I saw a glimpse of them. Nothing. Today has been 3 nights and living in the country leaves me little hope that they’ve survived the nightly predators around here (Coyotes, skunks, raccoons, opossums, even occasional foxes). I am sure for a long time I will keep looking out the window to see if they’re clucking around the coop, but I suppose I do have to be realistic at this point. If we free range again I think we will wait until closer to sunset to give them a little outside time, but encourage them to stay close to home with daylight ending.
I can feel your pain. Several months ago a fox killed my very special bird. Her name was Gladys. I don't usually name my birds except for the special ones. Gladys was a cross beak that I had hatched out and raised. Normally I cull but I somehow missed Gladys. She had her own coop with other birds now and then that might need a bit of extra TLC. She was 3 years old when a a fox took her during the middle of the day when I was distracted. I had been seeing a fox on my cameras more at night. When she didn't come when I called her I knew something was wrong. I found some piles of feathers. I followed the trail but never did find her. I cried. I put traps out and caught the fox. It was mangy and boy did it stink. I knew it was a risk to let her out and but let my guard down. I still blame myself for not putting her back in her pen. She was dust bathing when I last saw her. Good luck...
I can feel your pain. Several months ago a fox killed my very special bird. Her name was Gladys. I don't usually name my birds except for the special ones. Gladys was a cross beak that I had hatched out and raised. Normally I cull but I somehow missed Gladys. She had her own coop with other birds now and then that might need a bit of extra TLC. She was 3 years old when a a fox took her during the middle of the day when I was distracted. I had been seeing a fox on my cameras more at night. When she didn't come when I called her I knew something was wrong. I found some piles of feathers. I followed the trail but never did find her. I cried. I put traps out and caught the fox. It was mangy and boy did it stink. I knew it was a risk to let her out and but let my guard down. I still blame myself for not putting her back in her pen. She was dust bathing when I last saw her. Good luck...
Im soo sorry to read about Gladys.
Don't beat yourself up. She has a good life and left you with fond memories of her.
I am so happy for you!!! Today I walked the densely wooded fence line I last saw them, calling and looking under everything to see if I saw a glimpse of them. Nothing. Today has been 3 nights and living in the country leaves me little hope that they’ve survived the nightly predators around here (Coyotes, skunks, raccoons, opossums, even occasional foxes). I am sure for a long time I will keep looking out the window to see if they’re clucking around the coop, but I suppose I do have to be realistic at this point. If we free range again I think we will wait until closer to sunset to give them a little outside time, but encourage them to stay close to home with daylight ending.
Keep walking, shaking the can and calling them. Go talk to more of those distant neighbors.
Keep the faith.
I hope the missing chicken show up soon. :fl

I free range all day and don’t have much for predator protection except the noisy dogs fenced nearby and my rooster. I really think that having a rooster has been the key to me not losing any hens yet. My last rooster got attacked by a dog (and survived) but the rest of the flock was unharmed. I imagine that he tried to fight it, or maybe he just looked more “fun” to a stray dog.

Is there any way you can add a rooster to your flock, @Shelbye720?
I hope the missing chicken show up soon. :fl

I free range all day and don’t have much for predator protection except the noisy dogs fenced nearby and my rooster. I really think that having a rooster has been the key to me not losing any hens yet. My last rooster got attacked by a dog (and survived) but the rest of the flock was unharmed. I imagine that he tried to fight it, or maybe he just looked more “fun” to a stray dog.

Is there any way you can add a rooster to your flock, @Shelbye720?

I thought about that! For now it just wouldn’t make sense with out lil almost 2 year old. If the chickens are free ranging he likes to run with them and feed them...for whatever reason the hens are just so drawn to him and follow him around. I just wouldn’t trust a rooster not to chase our son or worse hurt him. I know some are fairly friendly but it’s such a wild card what their temperament comes out like!

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