chickens not drinking from nipples


Oct 23, 2021
i’ve had the nipple waterer in my run for 3 days now and the chickens haven’t drank any water at all

they’ve been really curious about the nipples, pecking around them and everything, but i checked the water level today and it hasn’t moved.

they’ve got supplemental water in the run - a 1.5 gallon bucket that i’ve been filling daily

what can i do to encourage drinking from the nipples?
i’ve had the nipple waterer in my run for 3 days now and the chickens haven’t drank any water at all

they’ve been really curious about the nipples, pecking around them and everything, but i checked the water level today and it hasn’t moved.

they’ve got supplemental water in the run - a 1.5 gallon bucket that i’ve been filling daily

what can i do to encourage drinking from the nipples?
Call them over to the nipples with a treat or food that they like (try shaking dry food, it usually makes the run right over!), then tap the nipples with your fingers so they watch the water come out. Repeat this daily, or as needed.

Good luck!

Here's a short video that might help:
Call them over to the nipples with a treat or food that they like (try shaking dry food, it usually makes the run right over!), then tap the nipples with your fingers so they watch the water come out. Repeat this daily, or as needed.

Good luck!

Here's a short video that might help:
thanks. that’s been my approach so far. i’ve been handing out mealworms while sitting at the bucket and letting them see water trickling from the nipples.

i guess i’ve gotta just stay at it.
Your nipple waterer should be located very close to where your other water source was. You need to remove the other water source if you want them to use the nipples. If you see them using it your good. Tap each nipple so a water drop rest on the tip. If they struggle give them back the original water source about an hour before dark. Repeat each day until they use the nipple without issue.
thanks. that’s been my approach so far. i’ve been handing out mealworms while sitting at the bucket and letting them see water trickling from the nipples.

i guess i’ve gotta just stay at it.
Patience is key ;)
I know it's hard sometimes, that's why I never really liked the nipple watering system. But like the video said, when you teach one chicken, usually the rest will copy!
Put some peanut butter on the nipples & remove the supplemental water. They will peck & discover the water. Just keep at it.
peanut butter is a great idea.

i was putting a mealworm on the little ledge of the nipple but they were picking them off without touching the metal part.

with pb they’d have to keep pecking.

is it safe to pull supplemental water altogether?

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