- Sep 22, 2014
- 15
- 0
- 22
We have 1 Black Sex Link, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Buff and 1 Americauna. The Black sex link started laying about a week and a half ago. The first two eggs were outside in the run, the next 8 she has layed in the coop on the floor. We started out using pine shavings in the nest boxes, that did not work they would go in and kick all the shavings out. We put straw in them this weekend and put a golf ball in each nestbox. She still will not go in them and lay, still laying of the floor of the coop. The nest boxes are not too high, at least I do not think so, have talked to a couple other people who said their nest boxes are at the same height. Any suggestions to get them to lay in nest boxes?