Chickens on property with Marek's vaccine?


Jan 13, 2023
Central NC
My chickens and turkeys are housed separately but they all occasionally free range in the yard together. I've read horror stories about Marek's devastating flocks so all of my young chickens are vaccinated. I'm reading this vaccine is a live "turkey strain" of Marek's. Is it possible for my vaccinated chickens to shed the virus and infect my turkeys while free ranging together?
My chickens and turkeys are housed separately but they all occasionally free range in the yard together. I've read horror stories about Marek's devastating flocks so all of my young chickens are vaccinated. I'm reading this vaccine is a live "turkey strain" of Marek's. Is it possible for my vaccinated chickens to shed the virus and infect my turkeys while free ranging together?
I don't have any personal experience exactly, but when I had my BBW Tom with my chickens, people here said that the doses would be too small from the vaccine to really affect the tom.
I don't think the vaccine sheds, it just masks the symptoms of mareks in a flock. they can still get mareks, just keep the tumors from forming, it's 90% effective.
So if they picked up mareks, you wouldn't know until the others start dying.

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