Chickens on Television Show Little House on the Prairie

Laura Ingalls Wilder was noted for the chickens she raised and exhibited, and a part of that renown was her ability to get her hens to lay in winter, as well as the specific mix of grains she fed them. A good biography on her is a very interesting read.

Many families in those days very much did raise specific breeds. My 98 year old aunt remembers telling her grandmother when she was a very small girl how pretty she thought the neighbor lady's domineckers were and my great grandmother told her "My chickens are better!" They were white leghorns.

My grandfather was a pastor during the depression, and it was not uncommon for him to get paid with a chicken or other barter items. I am sure that bartered chickens such as the doctor gave to Charles would have created a mixed flock, but many people did have their own preferences that they kept and bred from their own birds.
I know this is an older thread, but I saw this website with a drawing of the Little House on the Prairie chicken coop, and it reminded me of this thread.


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