Chickens out of bed & clucking in middle of night. Why?

One of my hens seems to be able to see in the dark better than most chickens. If there's any moon at all she comes down and eats at night. I think maybe the others push her away from the food during the day (but we have two feeders so she SHOULD be getting some) but I agree, if they are all out at night something scared them.
I think I interrupted a raccoon one night. I didn't see it, but the first clue that something was amiss was because several of the birds were down on the ground when they should have been roosting. Found a spot where it had been digging on the back side of my coop.
Have you checked them and the pen for mites or lice?

Mites especially come out at night and if they are bothering the chooks this would force them out of the pen. One way to check is to run your hand under their perch at night and if you end up with blood smeared on your hand you'll know its mites. The engorge themselves on blood and generally find cracks in the perch to hide.

You might need to check over a couple of the chooks and in amongst their feathers quite thoroughly.

Good luck getting it sorted
the last 3 nights when i have locked my flock up one hen starts to cluck on and on for about half hour maybe longer. any ideas.
Just now went outside because I heard chickens clucking at 1:30 am. Not mine but the neighbors next door. Walked out in the backyard and shone a flashlight around. Got very quiet. I left the security light on just in case. Have seen possums and 1 raccoon around recently.
My Brahma Mama is clucking all day and nite! My girls just recently came off of a hard Moult and we lost our HBIC a few months back! I thought that may have something to do with it. However, our big red had been gone for several months and Brahma Mama gets broody often.(in fact, she's the only one who's ever gone broody). We think her constant clucking and discontentedness may be her beginning of another 'broody burst'. Funny, this sight tells you all about when hens are ALREADY BROODY, but not the symptoms of PRE BROODY. I think my gal's getting there. BUMMER, she JUST started laying again! But she sure is noisy! All times! Anyone got advice? She's about 3.5 years old, buff brahma. Not the docile hen her breed is described. She's kind of, well, a bullying beech! ;)
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Just ran out because my flock was clucking, did a possum search, but nothing. I did hear some wings flapping in the tree, so it must've been an owl. Watch out for possums and rats. I've lost chicks to rats, and my beloved rooster (the one in my profile pic) to a possum...The rats of course, became chewing toys for my cats, and are uncommon now. The possums are rare, the last time I caught one was back in the beginning of summer. If you ever hear them clucking at night, you should definitely rush out and check them, I did it one time, and I caught a possum trying to kill a hen by her neck. But also be careful, it can't always be an animal, I once caught a guy in the back alley. Sonny cat with her prize from a hunt.

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