Chickie Afraid To Be Outside Her Coop!!??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 31, 2007
My 7 week old hen is afraid to be outside her coop i was away for 5 days and my brothers checked her

somehow i think they scared her and didnt let her out now shes afraid to be let out of her coop

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Awww, poor gal....sounds like she missed her momma...and was scared. I would sit outside her coop for a little while, with her FAV treat in your hands....see if you can coax her out. be patient....sounds like something scared her pretty good!
I have a couple chicks a little older than yours and when I introduced them to the coop, I coaxed them outside with treats so they would like the idea of coming outside and it would be easy for them. My chicks LOVE hard boiled egg. Just make sure it's chopped up really good so it doesn't look like an egg.
Can corn.
They go crazy over it just dump it in a bowl and watch the show.

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