Chickie chickie rub


12 Years
Apr 11, 2007
I thought my chickens liked being petted heartily when my mother said that when they squat and press out their wings, they are accepting me as the "alpha" like a roo...and now that I think of it...they do seem to look like they're about to be mated.


So, my question is...if I continue to give "chickie chickie rub rubs" (when they would squat like that, I would rub between their "shoulder blades" for lack of better), will it cause any hormonal problems or any problems that could affect their health if their bodies are expecting to be mated and then don't get mated?

They never seem stressed by it and seem to enjoy the petting, but now that my mom spoiled my fun...haha...I want to make sure I'm NOT hurting them by doing that.
I doubt it. It's just like a reflex I think. And I'm sure roos do miss and well... for a lack of a better way to put it... not really that much contact goes on during a session.
Its good to pet them and cuddle them, keeps them friendly and they really enjoy it. Its better when they squat like that cuz you can catch, better than them running away. Keep up teh chickie chickie rub rubs!!
I pet mine everyday, they love it, it gives me time to check in with them, make sure they are well, looking healthy.... and it makes them very easy to catch when you need to. Keep it up!

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