Chicks and heat


Jul 7, 2018
Northern Wisconsin
Our 5 chicks are 3 and 4 weeks old (we think-the story lady guessed). Today it's quite hot here, around 88 degrees, and we've noticed they are laying different than usual, aren't as active, very sluggish. They are in a large tote as a brooder, with fresh water, food etc. Is there anything I can do to help make them more comfortable? I'm a bit worried they will get too warm, but I can't bring them in the house with the AC...
No heat lamp because of the temps. They are currently in the tote in our garage with both doors open to let air in. There's no sun near them.
Can you tell if they are drinking water? I think they are just very hot, I want you to keep a close eye on them and make sure they're drinking. Maybe adding electrolytes to their water could help?
I'm not sure now what to do for tonight. It's still 80 degrees outside, but the low tonight is 65. So when I go to bed, I'm worried it'll still be too warm to put their lamp on, but will get too cold later on to go without. Geez, this is more worrisome than I thought, lol!
I'm not sure now what to do for tonight. It's still 80 degrees outside, but the low tonight is 65. So when I go to bed, I'm worried it'll still be too warm to put their lamp on, but will get too cold later on to go without. Geez, this is more worrisome than I thought, lol!
For that as a low, I'd probably shut the garage doors. Then open the doors back up when the temp hits 75-80° In the morning.

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