*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

I think my one egg is done, it must have been exposed to bactiria or something becuase it has a black ring, its been 13 days. And looks the same as it did on day 3. I'll have to take it to the woods and crack it open to see inside
. I saw my rooster, Pumpkin, breed Symphony, how long should I wait before I get her egg?
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If yall don't mind me asking a question I will. Only because I can't get to many other replys for it.
I have a broody hen and she has been sitting on some eggs. I am very confused about how to candle eggs. I 'tried' to candle some of her eggs and none of them have veins but more of a big dark spot, they are heavier than my normal eggs...should I let her hatch these (are they hatchable because of the big dark dot) or should I just buy some hatching eggs? Oh, and here is some extra info: she is a silkie, this is her first brood, she is brooding in my coop, and my roo is sitting on the eggs with her. I will try to get some pics up if possible! Thanks
First of all let me say, I know nothing about silkies. But saying that, let me ask you this. How long has she been sitting on her eggs? In general, I would wait until around day 10 to try and candle them. As far as what I use, I just have a small (mini) maglight flashlight. There are actual candelers you can buy or make, but I get what I need from my flashlight. Just make sure it is in a dark room. As far as the big spot you see, it is probably just the yolk. As far as them being hatchable, If you are sure your roo is doing his job, then they should be hatchable. That doesn't mean they will, but they could be. Again this is general information and please remember I know nothing about silkies. Good luck.
He is doing his job, I am positive
. I think they are all around 10 days, but I am just guessing. I want to crack one and see, but I would hate to kill a pre baby chick. Should I just start all over? Any more advice/help/ideas?
This is my 2nd experience!!! I want Organic eggs. I phoned a local hatchery and they were no help...Can anyone shed any light on the subject?
He is doing his job, I am positive
. I think they are all around 10 days, but I am just guessing. I want to crack one and see, but I would hate to kill a pre baby chick. Should I just start all over? Any more advice/help/ideas?

Let them continue. Eggs get lighter as they incubate/develop as they lose water. The change is slight enough (10%) that you won't really be able to feel it by your hand.

At 10 days, veins or dark blob is all you will see depending on your light source.
Organic? Like certified organic? Technically, I don't think organically raised parents make a difference when it comes to hatching and raising your own organic chicks. If I remember right, if you want organic eggs, you raise chicks from day 1 using organic feed, and if they free range, you'll want to have your property certified organic, which is some long process, or just keep them caged off the ground and feed them organic feed. Parent stock doesn't matter.

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