*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

how do I build a area for the birds to sit on at night for sleeping??????????
should it be round or 2 x 2 inch square "rails"???????????
is there a pictuare available?
Thank you so much for this great information!!!! I have eggs in the incubator now that is beginning day 22 and nothing is happening. I am from nw alabama where we had severe tornado damage and our power went out for 3 hours. I'm beginning to get discouraged.
I use tree limbs cut from cedar trees, cause that's what needed trimming. You might look around your place and see a tree or two that needs to have it's canopy lifted. It's a 2fer, tree trimmed and your flock gets some nice roosts.
I use branches from 2 to 3 inches wide. Also have a small roost made from 1" x 2"s.
You might try several different sizes and see which ones the flock likes.
Oh my gosh thank you! I just candled all my eggs for my first hatch and this helped so much! 24 are on day 7 and 12 are on day 5! I saw babies! Now i have a question. I have a picture on my phone, but I have one egg that I think might have a blood ring. Or the start of one. It's like a half circle now and the vein is very thick and looks... sloppy? and the rest of the egg looks pretty clear. I have a few I'm giving a couple more days to see any results, but if it has a ring I want it out of there, since it's due to bacteria.
Some of my eggs (on day 3 or 4) have what looks like a tiny little circle blob that floats around the middle of the egg. Very tiny, and as I move the egg, it floats around. What is this? Bad egg? Embryo?
I watched the video of the chick hatching and I just don't understand how they can do this same thing under the weight of the hen when she is hatching them out. Can someone explain that?

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