*CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

it is possible but never hapent t me, i just hear some rumors.....

well hello again, i have t say that yesterday it was my first time that i cantle "right".
it was day 12 and 9 for some egg's.

well i see emrbyo's plus in some of them movings (i am verry happy)
BUT some of them are really dark brown + is my first time i cantle- and wih incubator-hatching etc etc
the unfertilize and some with early death i cannot see clearly, i think i will cantle the day18, an THEN i put out tha unfertilize,
BUT i m afraid that some egg explode and make a mess...
i will gladly hear any exp's help :D
check this video, twins chicks!!

but i really dont like the way she or he put the chicks out of the egg......

i preffer t live them alone and get out with their own strength...well if the days come and pass then somethings going t happen and help them
I am a newbie. I tried to candle some blue eggs,
I saw something different in each one BUT no veining! I am at 76 hours in.
One had a bubble that floated around (this is not good??)
One looked like a lining around the yolk and
one looked like a yolk with a dark small spot???

I had looked at the zoomommies(sp) pictures to compare, but still don't know??
I used the brightest setting on my smart phone flash light.

Do any of you have comments, I appreciate info!
Hello Silkiechicken,

I am in a dilemma of trying to decide if I should transfer the seemingly developing eggs from the incubator! to the brooding hen; and will appreciate your opinion as to what would be best for the possible chicks.

The eggs in question are in their 13th. day of development in the incubator, and compared to your info., photos and the videos, they are developing. Only one egg was clear which I have removed. One of my Orpington hen has been brooding diligently for the last 5 days. I am wondering if it would be good idea to give the eggs to her to hatch and raise the chicks?

Do hens need to brood a minimum number of days for hormonal change to take place for successful hatching, and rearing of the chicks? My limited experience of raising chicks has been that; the chicks fare better in many respects if raised by a mother. Would you please share your opinion as to if I should give the brooding hen the eggs in their 13th. day of incubator development, or should I let the eggs continue to remain where they are, and hatch in the incubator?

Thank you,


Personally, if I really wanted chicks, I'd hatch them myself and raise them myself. Some hens make great moms, some make terrible moms. Unless proven, and even if proven, there is always that risk she won't raise them. Every bird is different.
I am a newbie. I tried to candle some blue eggs,
I saw something different in each one BUT no veining! I am at 76 hours in.
One had a bubble that floated around (this is not good??)
One looked like a lining around the yolk and
one looked like a yolk with a dark small spot???

I had looked at the zoomommies(sp) pictures to compare, but still don't know??
I used the brightest setting on my smart phone flash light.

Do any of you have comments, I appreciate in
Within doubt, leave them in the bator if you can't smell them. Smell and seepage mean toss carefully ASAP. Else, let them be.

If it is your first time, I'd not bother candling till a week in.

Floating bubble is a broken air sac, they can still possibly hatch.

Good luck!
haha Yea still trying to figure out what things are in there. I candled today and there isnt much room. But boy was it moving!! Now the 3 day wait! Its going to kill me to wait and not check in on my baby!! haha
My Janoel 8-48 incubator arrived today. It is now hooked up and we are running it through its paces to ensure it heats/humidifies and reports that correctly. I have heard some have had problems with this brand so want to make sure things are very well tested prior to hatching my first batch in it. My hub is already trying to figure out how to hook it up through the home network for data collection lol -- that is what its like living with a geek!

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