Chicks arriving soon


8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Western Pennsylvania

I worked all last summer building my coop. Chicks are being shipped tomorrow from Myer hatchery I have the brooder all set up. Let me run this by everyone,this is my first time at this.I have 4 chicks coming. I put paper towel down. is it supposed to be down for a week before changing to wood shavings ? I have a heat lamp set up. from what I have read it should be 95 degrees for the first week and 5 degrees cooler every week after that. Anything you can add will be helpful. I'm adding pictures of my brooder
Looks good. The temps can be a bit under or over, but make sure they cant fall asleep somewhere that is TOO hot ( over 100) I like to give my babies vitimins and probiotics in the water for the first few days to help everyone over the stress of hatching. And watch for poopy butt!
Chicks arrived today.I ordered 1 gold laced Wyandotte 1 SLW & 2 Colombian Wyandottes.GLW & SLW doing fine.1 Colombian arrived dead and the other one dosen't seem to be doing well.I hope she makes it. Not a good experience for the first time at raising chickens.I'll let you know how the Colombian makes out.

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