chicks as a gift - no clue what they are


6 Years
Jun 29, 2013
Can you Id these little guys (or gals)? My mom knew I wanted to get chicks for my new place, but she went and bought them without telling me. They're about 3 weeks old. I'm afraid they might be meat birds (cornish?). No clue what the black one is.

The lighter one are probably some mix of rhode island reds and/or new hampshires. As for the black I would guess a black sex link or black australorp. How old are they? The last picture looks a little rooish.
Either way enjoy!
They're almost 4 weeks old at this point...I think they hatched around June 5th. At first I thought the black one was a Roo bc it was so feisty and it was bigger and had feathers from the begining . But the two yellow ones have definitely passed it in size.
Ok...we're 10 weeks in now and here's what my chickies look like:

I'm thinking the black one is a and Australorp pullet and the reds are either Production Reds, RIR, or NH Reds. But now are they both roosters? Look at those combs? Now crowing yet, so I can't tell.

At 10 weeks those reds are both males. Your Aussie is a hen. You'll need to make arrangements so those guys don't gang up on her once their hormones start flowing

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