I recently got 6 chicks and 2 ducks. They are all about 2 months old and are living in a fully enclosed run with coop access. The problem I am having is with the ducks being ducks and using all the water in a matter of hours and not leaving any for the chicks to drink (plus they are bigger and thus poop more and are messier in general). I want to eventually let them live cage free (at least during the day). So my question is, at what age can I do that (for the ducks)? Or is there some other way of not letting the ducks use the chicks drinking water that I'm not thinking of? I have your standard plastic poultry waterer, but the ducks still use all of it even after they use all the water in a bowl I have for them. They all get along well, but I need to solve this issue somehow. TIA.