Chicks eating plastic?

Mar 29, 2022
Hey guys! I just got 10 15-week-old chicks. They are being fed plenty of food, getting moved onto fresh grass daily, and have pasture time twice a day. For some reason, they love eating plastic!?! First, I was letting them free-range and 1 of them was happily grazing, and then she found a piece of plastic in the grass and ran away with it. Luckily I was able to pull it out of her mouth but still thought it was weird. Second, I was feeding them some bread soaked in water and accidentally left the plastic bread bag by their run. When I found it, it had 4 bite holes in it! I have had chicks every year for the past 7 years, and none of them have ever done this. Is it normal?
Hey guys! I just got 10 15-week-old chicks. They are being fed plenty of food, getting moved onto fresh grass daily, and have pasture time twice a day. For some reason, they love eating plastic!?! First, I was letting them free-range and 1 of them was happily grazing, and then she found a piece of plastic in the grass and ran away with it. Luckily I was able to pull it out of her mouth but still thought it was weird. Second, I was feeding them some bread soaked in water and accidentally left the plastic bread bag by their run. When I found it, it had 4 bite holes in it! I have had chicks every year for the past 7 years, and none of them have ever done this. Is it normal?
My chicks have tried to eat cardboard and plastic sometimes. They just have to learn that it’s bad. Just keep it away from from them. :)
My grown chickens enjoy eating spray foam when they can find it. Of course I discourage it strongly, but they don't always make the healthiest choices:idunno

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