Located in Nueces County Texas. Straight run chicks available, 21 chicks left. Hatched on May 24th and 25th. Pictures are of chicks and my flock. You can get a combination of the following breeds: Rhode island red, silver laced wyandotte mix, silkie, white-crested blue polish, wheaten Americana, black copper maran, white leghorn cross, and blue/black laced red wyandotte. I have 2 roosters a white silkie and a blacked laced red wyandotte. Unfortunately, some of the breeds that you see in the pictures did not produce fertile eggs: brown leghorn, olive egger, buff polish, and blue Americana. Bring your own box and do not bring animals to the property. I have large dogs. Please contact me before arriving so I can put them up. I will be happy to send more pictures if you want.
Barnyard Mix $3
Polish Mix $5
Silkie Mix $5
Wyandotte $8
Barnyard Mix $3
Polish Mix $5
Silkie Mix $5
Wyandotte $8