Chicks hatching, one has redish cyst? What could it be?


Feb 6, 2008
Southeast MI
I am having a very successful hatch. I am so glad MissPrissy talked me into the genesis, it really is plug and play, as this is my third successful hatch. Anyways, one of the chicks popped the top shell off and I noticed it had what looked to me like a skin colored globular cyst, for lack of a better word. I didn't help it out, but she was half upside down with this facing upwards. I was afraid the other chicks would peck at it so I just nudged her more right side up so it wasn't exposed. Any ideas as to what it could be? Sorry, that I don't have any pictures, but I will try to take some after the kids are in bed.
I will try to get a better look when the kids are down. It just looked too big to be something like that, although I wouldn't really know. Thanks
Sometimes if they hatch out too early, they can have a rough navel the size of a dime to nickle. Let's hope it's just that, it should go away between a few hours and a day or so.
That would be nice. I just ran down there quick and it is moving around as I can't tell which one it is anymore since it is out of its shell and upright. Thanks and I will keep an eye on it.
Yaaay for success in hatching.

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