Chicks In The City: Greetings from Manila!


Mar 29, 2021
Carmine & Silkie 5.jpeg

Greetings from Manila! Yes, my Silkies and I are city chicks. =D I'm so new to chickening --- 6 months! Prior to signing up, this site has been my go-to forum for my big and small questions.

Talk about firsts.

These are my 3-month-old Silkies. They're from my first (and so far only) breeding pair. And for the first time since the 5 of them hatched
, I finally have a pic with them --- taken just yesterday. (Pics I take are usually of the chicks/chickens with my kids.) Took pics and some vids yesterday because two of them were leaving for another home. So pics were in order.

I've long wanted Silkies and I thought I needed a farm to be able to keep a flock. Thanks to this quarantine, I was encouraged to finally get my first chickens --- Silkies --- and raise them in our little backyard.

I also have a 9-month old Phoenix rooster --- a gift from the Silkie breeder. Just recently, like two weeks ago, I got 9 Black Austrolorp chicks to become future egg-layers. They're now 3-weeks old. (Yes, I'll find homes for the surplus roosters.)

Oh, and I have 9 eggs in the nest box. <3

Still on firsts, this is my first chicken forum, and obviously, my first post. I'm happy to be be here! Cheers to all!

Note: There actually are 5 Silkies in the photo. I was grinning because I could count only 4. LOL! #WheresWaldo
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