Chicks ordered in Sudbury Ont.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 3, 2009
Finally have my order in and confirmed!!! There will be 10 Buff Orpingtons, 5 Silver Laced Polish, 10 Ameraucana. They will arrive April 30th. They are not all mine, it's a shared order. Can't wait. Now I'm getting my brood area ready.
Where did you order from? When is the expected hatch date? I want some new eggs to incubate but I may just order a few chicks instead- but when I think of how much it will cost I am usually satisfied to pop some of my own into the bator lol. I wish you could buy hatching eggs in Canada, I havent found any websites for Canadians, maybe there is one but i dont know it.

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