chicks with bare spots on their backs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 7, 2011
We have 19 chicks that are almost 4 weeks old. The last week or so, we noticed that most of them have a bare spot on their back down by their tails. Some have it worse than others. We don't know if we have a bully chick that is picking on the others (we've never seen any picking) or if mites or something can cause this. We've never had this problem with chicks before. Any ideas on what's causing this and what we should do about it?



We just got some 2 moth old RIR pullets and they all looked like this
We soon saw it was them plucking feathers out of one another. The worst perpetrators have Peepers now (the little "sunglasses" that go on their beaks) and that makes things a lot better. it's a hard habit to break, if that is in fact what you are dealing with.

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