Chicks with sore butts


13 Years
May 29, 2010
Eastern Wa.
We have a bronze turkey chick and a Delaware chick apprx 1 week old. This morning we noticed some poop stuck on their butts, so we quarantined them from the rest of the flock after cleaning them up we noticed their butts were red , swollen , and inflamed. Does anyone know what could be wrong with them/ what could we do to help them? Here is a pic, it's super close up so be warned

PS we are feeding regular unmedicated chick starter.
Could be pastry butt, it can look like that once they lose some feathers that are stuck with poo. Search pasty butt and you can find a lot of good ideas. It will kill them eventually if they can not rid themselves of waste due to blockage. Always use a warm cloth if trying to clean this situation and be gentle as the skin is rather thin and able to rip.
We have cleaned them up with a warm wash cloth. they seem to be ok. what do you think could be causing it??
thanks for the answer.
I always put Rooster Booster Pick no more lotion on pasty butt chicks after washing their behinds under the warm tap water, since their behinds always look a bit "red/noticeable" to the other chicks after cleaning and I worry about pecking.

The lotion tastes bad to them. Feed stores carry it.
I think the issue I have with pasty butt are from brooder temps being too hot. After the initial clean up I raise the light a bit and all seems to be fine.

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