Chicks with Thiamine deficiency???? Need advice


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
I recently got a group of NH reds. They are in their third week with me, not sure how old they were at purchase. I am assuming they are 4 to 5 weeks old, starting to feather. Yesterday we found one laying with its head back and legs out in the star gazing position. Today another however it refused to eat or drink and died. We now have a third that is weak and beginning to exhibit the same symptoms. The two I have now are apart from the others and I am giving them water with b complex vit dissolved in it and feed, they are eating and drinking. I also got the other chicks that came with the sick ones and separated them from my others. So far it is only three chicks with this problem. And it seems to only be the NH reds. My older chickens, kept in another coop, are just fine as are my Turken chicks that were in the same pen until yesterday. Is there anything else I can do? Should I be adding vit b to their water from now on? Any advice would be great.
I recently got a group of NH reds. They are in their third week with me, not sure how old they were at purchase. I am assuming they are 4 to 5 weeks old, starting to feather. Yesterday we found one laying with its head back and legs out in the star gazing position. Today another however it refused to eat or drink and died. We now have a third that is weak and beginning to exhibit the same symptoms. The two I have now are apart from the others and I am giving them water with b complex vit dissolved in it and feed, they are eating and drinking. I also got the other chicks that came with the sick ones and separated them from my others. So far it is only three chicks with this problem. And it seems to only be the NH reds. My older chickens, kept in another coop, are just fine as are my Turken chicks that were in the same pen until yesterday. Is there anything else I can do? Should I be adding vit b to their water from now on? Any advice would be great.

It could be a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or some inherited genetic problem. I don't think it would hurt to try vitamin therapy. Keep in mind, if you have to treat for coccidiosis, you do not want to give thiamine at the same time.
Update....The first chick to go down has started to recover. I am giving vit b complex in its water and it is eating. It has control of its head now and is starting to regain leg movement, one leg is still flexed, the other is now folded underneath so the chick can sit more upright now instead of laying on its side. It is also more awake and alert. So I am a little optimistic that this one may make it and I am giving vit b in all chick waterers to try and stop any more from going down. Is there a supplement I can buy to put in the water, or should I just continue crunching the vit b tablets and dissolving them? Thank you MrsBachbach for your help.
Update....The first chick to go down has started to recover. I am giving vit b complex in its water and it is eating. It has control of its head now and is starting to regain leg movement, one leg is still flexed, the other is now folded underneath so the chick can sit more upright now instead of laying on its side. It is also more awake and alert. So I am a little optimistic that this one may make it and I am giving vit b in all chick waterers to try and stop any more from going down. Is there a supplement I can buy to put in the water, or should I just continue crunching the vit b tablets and dissolving them? Thank you MrsBachbach for your help.

Yes, they make vit/mineral supplements for chickens that you add to their water. You can usually find packets of them in feed stores or a Tractor supply if you have one near you. Read the labels, make sure it has the vitamins you are looking for. Some are made mostly for hot weather and contain salt. But there are others such as Poultry Nutra Drench which is great when you have a really weak chick or bird because it helps perk them up quick. There is something called Poultry Cell by Rooster Booster. This one contain all kinds of vitamins/minerals but also contains iron which is usually reserved for roosters, but I have used it in lower doses with my hens. Rooster Booster also makes just a B-12 supplement to put in water. You can also find vitamins with probiotics added. There is quite a bit out there. Online also if your local stores don't carry much.

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