Children with Egg Alergies...Can Dad have Chickens?


5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Hello All - First post here and I am in need of some help. 2 of my 3 children have egg allergies and I am soon moving to Indiana and searching for property with sufficient land to have a chicken coop and fulfill a long time goal. I do not want to endanger my children and wanted to know if anyone has experience with this scenario and can shed some light to help. Thanks in advance!!
I don't see any problem if they aren't handling the eggs incase they break or eating them. The bird itself would be another allergy. I'm not allergic to eggs but I'm allergic to the bird but mildly. It's all the dust within their feathers.

If you find any local tractor stores look to see if they still have any chicks in stock or find someone who owns some to let you bring your kids by. If they have an allergy handling them then you know they will need to stay away from chickens and other poultry.

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They can have eggs in baked goods, etc. They are just not supposed to have eggs alone (scrambled, deviled, etc.) But for the record, I am looking to build a flock over time and trade eggs for new stock introduction.
My youngest who is 5 is allergic to peanuts and eggs. Like yours he can eat eggs in baked goods but not stand alone eggs. It drives his eczema through the roof. We do carry an epi-pen at peds suggestion. We have many, many chickens and ducks and have never had a problem. He actually does better with duck eggs (baking) than the chicken eggs.
Good luck to you
My oldest has a severe egg allergy. Cannot even eat them baked into goods. He's anaphylactic. Also allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, catfish and shellfish. He's never had a reaction to handling an uncracked egg. However we are very careful. You could sell your extra eggs or donate them to a local food pantry.

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