Chipley Florida swap at TSC (NW Florida)

I wouldn't mind checking it out...
Sounds good, if possible could we set a time in the afternoon? If not no biggie, just don't get off till 1, but could take off early.

I am also working on a swap her in Milton, looking more towards spring.
im game... I dont have any to bring.. but I might get a few.. (I am in love with all mine, couldnt imagine parting with any)
so lets come up with a date..

I will post 3 possible dates...

December 13th

January 10th

January 24th

Now everyone can vote on what date they want...

and then lets all say starting around noon for set up eating around 2:30 ish till 6:00 being that it is a BBQ and all..

now what would we do for fun.. other than chickens.. ie: music and sorts.

and if we get this thing big enough we can call cat country and they will show up...
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Anyone still interested in doing this? I am I have some chicks and baby ducks and a grown duck to bring . I will most likely have more by then. I think Jan 10th is a great date. I was wondering what happened to this thread...Who else is still in the game?
I'm in Pensacola. I don't have anything to swap though. Not chicken or egg wise. Well, if that iffy white silkie turns out to be a boy, I'd swap him for a girl. Can maybe, people make it for February or march if January isn't going well?

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