Chirp to cluck

My girls are almost 13 weks old and are starting to change over to clucks....they are in between atm with a pe-uck noise....

My 2 older girls, they started changing their voices differently. I remember my late BR Boo started changing her voice about 9-10 weeks...and my EE's <the ones i have now> were a bit later in changing.
Thanks for the reply, this is my first attempt at chickens as an adult I havent been around chickens since I was in high school, and that was many many years ago.
What a great question - I never thought about this!

I've got an 11 week old black australorp pullet at the moment, still peeping, and it hadn't occured to me to think about when she might get a grown-up voice! Does anyone know when australorps tend to start to cluck?

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